Venus - 2006 Film Now On DVD
"You've been loved
Morris. You've been adored."
"Yes. So have you Ian. You just didn't
always notice it!"
This could have a groan to
watch, even pervy (it actually is in places) but it's still an absolute gem.
While Peter O'Toole grabs the
lion's share of attention, there are many other reasons why this so works. One
of them is a stunning turn from Leslie Phillips who up until now has been all
but a National joke in Britain (in the nicest way - he's been acting since the
Fifties in light-hearted and often bawdy British comedies). The two together
are never anything less than brilliant. Phillips knows he's up against real
acting talent, but every time he matches it with his most brilliant and layered
performance ever. And he's subtle too. Their scenes together are worth their
weight in gold.
Part of the reason is the
fantastically funny, observational and touching script from Hanif Kureish,
which should have pulled a statue. There's a scene where two nurses are
chatting over Peter O'Toole - one sticking a needle in his arm in some
god-forsaken National Health Service room - and they just don't see him - he
might as well not be there - why - because he's old - and therefore doesn't
count anymore. It immediately cuts to him in the next scene at home - head
lowered - sat on the side of a bed - hurting at the realization of his aged
fate. Then he slaps his own face three times and tells himself to "get up
you old fu**er" and get on with life! O'Toole can suggest so much with
even a glance. Both scenes are crushingly sad, but say so much by using so
little. It's fantastic writing.
There's another scene with
Richard Griffiths (superb British actor who played Uncle Monty in Withnail
& I) and Leslie Phillips; they're in a London cafe the three dotty
curmudgeons frequent, when Phillips bemoans the fact that his new girl lodger
Jessie (played by Judie Whittaker - dubbed "Venus" by O'Toole after
visiting the famous painting in The National Gallery) has drunk all his best
booze and eaten him out of house and home. He's frantic. The two boys react -
not with sympathy and tea - but by relentlessly taking the piss out of his
overreaction! It's just hysterically funny, well paced and packed full of
Maurice's (O'Toole) reaction
to Venus is entirely different. Venus (played by a lovely Jodie Whittaker) is
all short skirts and piss 'n' vinegar. She's a Northern gob on her that knows
no subtlety - and while she may be crude compared to his gentrified
sophistication, she of course represents life, youth - woman. And for a man
who's been in love with women from the moment he could ditch his nappy and
chase them down the street - Venus is irresistible. Their romance at-a-distance
is slowly boiled and admittedly at times, it seems highly unlikely. But the
wildly different actors play it so well together - you do believe it. There are
slightly pervy moments as I said and awkward scenes where he can't help himself
and gets physical, and she calls him "forward". But he is - as a man
- dying - and he can't stand it. He has so much to give still, if only someone
will stop looking at him as old, and instead see him as a viable human being.
It's all beautifully handled, insightful and ballsy - because these things
should be/need to be said and addressed.
The music is provided by the
lovely Corrine Bailey Rae, a British soul singer (like a softer version of
Tracy Chapman meets Mica Paris) - soulful songs and strumming moments pepper
the nicely used London locations. Later scenes with his long-suffering wife
Vanessa Redgrave are genuinely touching too - another great actress adding
class to an already classy project.
There are times when O'Toole
looks ill, that this maybe his last role, but then that voice comes through, or
he does an "act-or's turn", or he smiles at Leslie Phillips and hugs
him - and lifetimes of friendship come through. In another scene Phillips'
character Ian says as they sip whiskey in a gentleman's club reminiscing on
their pasts, "I love this horrible place. It reminds me, of what I wanted
to become." He admires Maurice and is jealous of him, but can say it
without fear, because they're real friends. Sipping whiskey and clipping
Of course the central relationship
between Maurice & Jessie goes to crap and a series of events threaten to
wreck it. We're not looking at traditional happy endings here, but compromises
- as all living is. It ends as it began - on a beach - with the waves of the
free sea lapping on the shore - fresh and untamable.
I loved this film. Please
don't let the subject matter put you off. In one particularly touching scene,
O'Toole's character Maurice, quotes Shakespeare to Venus - and to finish this
review - so shall I.
"So long as men shall
live and eyes shall see...
So long lives this, and this
gives life to thee".
Put this movie high on your rental/to buy list.