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Overall ****
Presentation ****
Audio *** to ****
"...Hullee Gullee..."
June 2018's mad as a wine-drinking Euro bureaucrat "Make Mine Mondo!" CD compilation from Ace Records concentrated primarily on the Doré Records label – a US 50ts and 60ts independent with a seriously eclectic roster.
That 2018 Volume 1 offered up nearly 68-minutes of wildly adventurous styles and largely unknown names (part genius, part yeah-baby nuttiness) – lambasting our lavishly creamy and unsuspecting fragilities with Fifties and Sixties Garage, Rockabilly, off-centre Instrumentals, Fuzz Guitar Psych, Doom Girl Groups, the occasional surfing tune and much more (1958 to 1969) - nearly all of which worked and entertained like the beautifully presented liner notes promised it would.
Well, what we get here (a full six years later) is Volume 2 for November 2024 - this time covering 1954 to 1967. "Make Mine Mondo! 2" offers up the same butt-wobbling array of drunken Rock 'n' Rollers, yee-haw Rockabillies, unhinged instrumentals and fuzz-guitar loopers - but this time on an array of different labels orbiting around Doré - Flip, Acree, Era, Mira, Rayjack, Downey, Bamboo, Daytone and more. Only one of these Non-LP As and Bs is a returning name from Volume 1 (The Zanies) – the others are often so obscure, there are barely images for them should you do a Net search. Rare and Rocking indeed. Time for Beaver Patrol, Voodoo Doll and The Outlaw Blues (they got their Mojo working I can tell you) – to the details...
UK released Friday, 29 November 2024 - "Make Mine Mondo! 2" by VARIOUS ARTISTS on Ace/Records CDTOP 1642 (Barcode 029667111829) is a 28-Track CD Compilation of Remasters that plays out as follows (66:59 minutes):
1. Clap Your Hands – AMBERTONES (December 1965 US 7" single on Rayjack 1001, A-side - Reissued January 1966 on Newman 601, A-side)
2. Slander - TY WAGNER (November 1966 US 7" single on Era 3168, A-side)
3. Viet Nam – BOBBY JAMESON (1965 US 7" single on Mira 208, A-side)
4. By Bye Baby (My Pride) – SHANK And MAYDIEA (August 1962 US 7" single on Flip 45-361, A-side)
5. Beaver Patrol – THE BLAZERS (July 1963 US 7" single on Acree 101, A-side)
6. Café Bohemia – THE ENCHANTERS (1961 US 7" single on Bamboo Records 513, B-side of "Touch of Love")
7. I'm A Blind – THE WIZARD'S (May 1966 US 7" single on Era 3161, B-side of "I Want To Live")
8. The Voodoo Doll – BOBBY PLEASE & THE VOODOO DOLLS (1958 US 7" single on Flip 45-342, A-side)
9. Hurricane – CONRAD and THE HURRICANE STRINGS (December 1963 US 7" single on Daytone G-6401, A-side)
10. I Got My Mojo Working – JOYCE HARRIS & THE DAYLIGHTERS (Originally Unissued Domino Records recording first released on the 1997 UK CD Compilation "The Domino Records Story" on Ace Records CDCHD 506 – a Trailer Version of "I Got My Mojo Working" was also UK 45-single issued February 2024 on Ace Records NW 518 with the 1961 recording "No Way Out" as its B-side)
11. Crab Louie – THE SANDABS (July 1962 US 7" Single on Bamboo 522, B-side to "Beach Ball" by Little Herbie and The Sandabs on the A-side, Little Herbie is Herb Newman – reissued July 1963 on the B-side of Catch 107 credited to Little Herbie And The Wise Guys – A-side was "I Want My Beach Ball")
12. I Ain't Drunk – LONNIE "THE CAT" (April 1954 US 7" Single on RPM Records 45x410, A-side)
13. Red Hot Rockin' Blues – JESSE JAMES (September 1958 US 7" Single on Kent 45x314, B-side of "South's Gonna Rise Again")
14. The Wild Bird – THE JIVE-A-TONES (1958 US 7" Single on Fraternity F-823, A-side)
15. Jambo – CLAUDE McLIN (1963 US 7" Single on Mac-Jac Records MJR-1208, B-side of "Jacquelyn")
16. Stalled – THE ZANIES (June 1962 US 7" Single on Doré 638, A-side)
17. Hullee Gullee – FRED RICHARDS (April 1959 US 7" Single on Flip 45-344, B-side of "Barricade")
18. Non-Stop Blues – THE OUTLAW BLUES (January 1967 US 7" Single on Era 3171, A-side)
19. Sleepy Hollow – THE LAST WORD (June 1966 US 7" Single on Downey D-137, A-side)
20. Talk To Me Baby – DONNIE BOWSER (June 1961 US 7" Single on Bamboo 508, B-side of "Tomorrow")
21. Mumbles – JOHNNY BACHELOR (March 1959 US 7" Single on Era 1091, A-side – also issued March 1960 in the UK as a 45-single on London HLN 9074, A-side)
22. Soul Serenade – BEAU DOLLAR & THE COINS (1966 US 7" Single on Fraternity F-960, A-side – Produced by LONNIE MACK)
23. No Way Out – JOYCE HARRIS (January 1961 US 7" Single on Domino R-905, A-side – Reissued March 1961 in the USA on Infinity INX-005, A-side)
24. Tell Me Why – KICKS (1964 US 7" Single on X-P-A-N-D-E-D Sound X-102, B-side of "Oh My Baby (Always Be True)")
25. Don't Leave Me Baby – JOE LOVER And THE GAYLADS BAND (1960 US 7" single on Parliament P-1001, A-side – Reissued 1961 in the USA on Paxley P-754, A-side)
26. So What!! – THE LYRICS (November 1965 US 7" Single on Era 3153, B-side of "You Can't Hurt Me" – Reissued May 1968 in the USA on Feather 101, B-side of "Why'd He Go")
27. Church Key Twist – BOB VAUGHT & THE RENEGAIDS with Barbara Atkins (1962 US 7" Single on Impact 24-IM, A-side – Reissued May 1962 in the USA on Bamboo 520, A-side)
28. The Cave (Part1) – GARY 'Spider' WEBB (April 1961 US 7" Single on Bamboo 504, A-side)
All Tracks MONO except Tracks 3, 5, and 19 in STEREO
All Tracks MONO except Tracks 3, 5, and 19 in STEREO
Volume 1 came with a 26-page booklet – Vol.2 has 20 – and again each page of the ROB FINNIS liner notes is peppered with those rare US 45-single labels, a Forbidden World magazine, trade reviews for the Fred Richards song, pictures of one-time Elvis Presley mentor and friend Jesse Lee Denson (aka Jesse James), Saxophonist Claude McLin (looking like Inspector Clouseau with Hat and Pipe), a Domino Records Promotional black and white for Etta James-soundalike Joyce Walker (there is a recent interview with the lady quoted) and Ohio Rockabilly hero Donnie Bowser getting his two-frantic-minutes of Rock and Roll B-side glory.
Finnis knows his onions and what listeners want – his superlative liner notes illuminating histories on so many virtual unknowns while Ace's trusted Audio Engineer NICK ROBBINS delivers (as best he can) on a huge variety of Mono 7" singles (only 3 are in Stereo). It should be said – Mondo 2 is very far from Audiophile territory – these homemade productions reflecting their manic strung-together nature – but there is no doubting the punch they pack which I can't help think is exactly what Frat Boys like me want from a CD like this. To the music and its wild variety of genres...
Things begin with a manic tambourine-shaking brass-and-guitar blaster calling all hipsters to get their bellbottoms on and party. Not surprisingly called "Clap Your Hands" - The Ambertones were right on the zeitgeist money. An absolute garage monster – party mania slice number two follows with the wavering Hawaiian guitar sounds and screeching organ of Ty Wagner bemoaning his wayward girl and her big mouth in "Slander". Even better is the Bo Diddley-type sonic assault of Harmonica and Rhythm from Bobby Jameson doing his vocal and lyrical worst to "Viet Nam" – a fantastic frantic piece of social-conscious 60ts R&B. Things slinky-on-down with a clever duet vocal from Ed Wells (as Shank) and his sister Maydiea Cole (as Maydiea) – and as the liner notes – it is an oddly endearing performance that stays on the right side of lounge-cool.
Next up is the first instrumental of "Make Mind Mondo! 2" – Vern Acree, Jr. giving it some Link Wray Rumble-type guitar rat-a-tat attacks while Saxophonist Larry Robins (both in The Blazers) tries to keep up in their homemade and self-financed "Beaver Patrol. The Enchanters start out in their opening notes as a 50ts Vocal Group would – but suddenly about 20-seconds in "Café Bohemia" turns into a shimmy-shaker with echoed Tablas and lounge-lizard type Saxophones schmoozing the olive-laden martinis. So mid-60ts The Wizards and their "I'm A Blind" – remind me of melodious Kinks while the very funny novelty record "The Voodoo Doll" has our poor lead singer opening a box from his gal - who in a call-and-answer duet vocal assures him that the contents within will take only three days to make him hers (permanently – and is he freaked by that). More instrumental madness only this time with a decided Surf vibe - "Hurricane" by Conrad and His Hurricanes virtually dripping bikinis and beach bums riding the waves man.
A rip-roaring prize here is surely the Wanda Jackson/Judy Henske-like wail of Joyce Harris giving us the fab "I Got My Mojo Working" – an unreleased 60ts Rock and Roller first released in 1997 on an Ace CD. A clever follow comes in the fun-time Sax-driven shout and response what-do-you-want "Crab Louie". Rhythm and Blues comes in the form of a drink-denial Shopping For Clothes tune - "I Ain't Drunk" – Lonnie "The Cat" assuring us the he ain't high – he's just drinking! Another fantastic find for Rockabilly and Rock and Roll fans is the go-for-it-boys beat-basher "Red Hot Rockin' Blues" – a fast and furious B-side from Jesse James. Time for a shuffler that sounds like early Chuck Berry at Chess – only a very cool "The Wild Bird" is a guitar instrumental from The Jive-A-Tones. Sounding like a human Jew's Harp as he literally scats dings and dongs to an Organ and Drums bip-bop beat – Claude McLin is having a blast with "Jambo" – a fabulous inclusion. And the fun continues with the car-not-starting beep-beep of "Stalled" – another great bopping instrumental B-side from The Zanies. Shivering guitars hover a distant beatbox drumbeat in the eerily brill "Hullee Gullee" – Fred Richards earning his place.
Hurtling towards the end run, we get another fuzz-guitar garage romper in the shape of the driving "Non-Stop Blues" – a head-shaker that has nothing to do with its misleading title. A lone bass note introduces yet another prize on here – the superb Stereo of "Sleepy Hollow" – The Last Word sounding like The Animals and Them combined as they try to convince us there is no headless horseman. Back to Rhythm and Blues Fats Domino rolling rhythm fun - "Talk To Me Baby" by Donnie Bowser - which is followed by the whisper in his ear baby "Mumbles" – dig that echoed Eddie Cochran type vocal. And on it goes with the fantastic Harmonica R&B of "So What!!" to the pleading Vocal Group vibe of "Don't Leave Me Baby" to the Bobby Boris & The Crypt Kickers echoed weirdness of "The Cave (Part 1)" where Jimmy and Julie keep calling out to each other but are lost in the dark.
I had thought that Volume 1 of "Make Mine Mondo!" was going to be a chore – but it wasn't – and to my weary ears – Volume 2 is even better. With so many genres vying for your attention, it's gotta be hard to make it all work and yet – once again – Ace Records have pulled it off.
In short - "Make Mine Mondo! 2" is another wee nugget CD compilation (November 2024) from the worryingly disturbed minds of men who should know better over at Steele Road, London NW10. Recommended...
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