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Thursday 8 March 2012

"Crazy, Stupid, Love" on BLU RAY. A Review Of The 2011 Film.

"…Show Me Your Big Move..."

It appears that Ryan Gosling is going to take over the world - or at least your living room - because the guy is 'everywhere'. And like Bradley Cooper about six months ago - everyone wants Ryan. And I mean everyone. And on the strength of "Drive" and this - it's easy to see why. Women are drooling over him - and guys want to be his drinking buddy.

Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling play Cal Weaver and Jacob Palmer - two polar-opposites in the cool stakes. Cal has only ever had one woman and wife - the beautiful but slightly wayward Emily (Julianne Moore). Jacob has had more women in an hour that politicians have had billable brunches. His prey is sophisticated but loose business types that frequent the bar Jacob hangs out in - women with the corporate finesse of a piranha that hasn't eaten in a week. When Cal stumbles into an ill-advised divorce because of one mistake on the part of Emily - he enters Jacob's world - and with advice that appeals to a man's ego - enters into way too many easy lays. His journey back to his true love makes up the rest of the movie...

Clearly relishing the witty and smartly written script - the two wildly different male leads spar off each other very convincingly. Julianne Moore is her usual classy self as always (such a great actress). There's even a tremendously clever and funny pairing of young love in the 13-year old Robbie (Cal's son) who is besotted with his 17-year old babysitter Jessica (great work by both Jonah Bobo and Analeigh Tipton). On the bumbling adult front - Kevin Bacon and Marisa Tomei bump up the cringe and laugh count too.

But for me it's the fabulous Emma Stone who brings the whole macho proceedings to life - and like her breakthrough performance in "Easy A" - she injects some badly needed reality into the picture. Her character's bubbly nature is infectious and her palatable vulnerability fills her love scenes with Gosling with a sense of danger and thrill. Stone's Hannah wants her heart fulfilled - not used - not shattered by some smarmy barfly out to chalk up another notch on the headboard of his waterbed. Stone's Hannah is nervous, giddy, talkative, loving, trusting - she gives Hannah a 'this-is-how-a-real-woman-is' set of reactions - and the movie is so much the better for it - warm even.

"Crazy, Stupid, Love" is not pretending to be "War And Peace" - but it's a hugely enjoyable romp when those sort of things seem to be in short supply these days. Besides - it passed the ultimate litmus test - my missus and teenage daughter gobbled up every moment of it and could not be tempted away - even by morsels of Cadbury's Twirl...

Do my girls want to discover the true meaning of love? Find out the joys of marital bliss? Bath in the wisdom of enlightened relationships? Do they bo**ox! They want to lick strawberry Haagen Daz off the Gozzer's rippling abs and YouTube the experience afterwards to make all their friends jealous. It's enough to make me go back to the gym (well now - let's not be too hasty my dears...).

In fact - now that I think of it - forget the review. Can somebody please slip some soluble ugly tablets into Ryan Gosling's Spritzer...and do all of us mere mortals a favour...

PS: my 18-year old daughter watched "The Notebook" for the 40th time immediately after it...

Wednesday 7 March 2012

“Welcome to The Rileys” on DVD. A Review Of The 2011 Film.

"…He's So Old School…"

Kristen Stewart will of course get the lion's share of publicity on this one as a prostitute that's one step away from oblivion (she actually deserves the hype that surrounds her) - but for me it's the combo of James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo who are astonishing.

Directed by Jake Scott and Executive Produced by his famous relations Tony and Ridley of Scott Free Productions - 2010's "Welcome To The Rileys" is a small independent movie with a big heart and even bigger performances.

Doug Riley is on autopilot - playing out his joyless poker games on Thursday night with the boys - sleeping with Vivienne the waitress in the local diner - not sleeping with Lois his wife of 30 years. But there's a reason for his wife's frigidity and her desperately lonely pill taking - not to mention Doug's quiet sobbing in the garage with a cigarette in the dark. Both Doug and Lois lost their 15-year old daughter Emily in an avoidable car accident in 2001 - and with unspoken hurt and unallocated blame - have been escalating damaged goods ever since. But when Vivien his diner-lover of 4 years dies (a subtle performance by Eisa Davis) and Doug goes on a business holiday to New Orleans - he gets more than he bargained for when he goes upstairs with a 17-year old pole dancer and hooker. And this is where the real story begins...

The acting in "Welcome To The Rileys" is top class and goes a long to forgiving the largely terrible picture quality (a lot of night shots with little or no clarity). First up is a magnificent turn by Gandolfini. In what could have been such a pervy role, he lends his big-bruiser Doug a good-man's gravitas that is wholly believable. Melissa Leo gets the toughest role - and she eats it up with a performance that keeps you glued. And then there's the talented and beautiful Kristen - her jumpy malnourished creation is all spotty skin, blurred eye shadow and bruised limbs. Mallory has been dumped on all of her life - and her street-fighting cornered-rat mistrust of everything takes some breaking through. But Doug is determined - and so is his wife - who comes after Doug and has to make some major life-adjustments herself. All three have been rightly applauded for their work in this...

Ok - "Welcome To The Rileys" is perhaps a little implausible at times - but the writing and the storytelling will slowburn their way into your heart. And it has an ending that isn't pat - despite the huge pressure there must have been on Jake Scott to deliver just that - happy families all the way...

A bit of an overlooked gem frankly. I liked this film a lot.

Put it high on your rental list.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

“How About I Be Me (And You Be You)? By SINEAD O’CONNOR. A Review Of The 2012 Album On One Little Indian Records.

"...Gonna Reach My Hand Out..."

There aren’t many singers who can open a song with "I wanted to change the world, but I could not even change my underwear…" and then a few minutes later – stop your giggling in its tracks by moving you to tears. But then Sinead O’Connor has always been impossibly special – and at times – a complete space cadet.

Newly signed to One Little Indian Records – 2012's "How About I Be Me (And You Be You)?" is a hugely accomplished record – and more importantly – it's a moving one.

The opening number is catchy enough - a clever ditty on marriage called "4th And Vine" (and a potential single), but the haunting "Reason With Me" is different. It's beautiful and its message about knowing that you need to seek help is incredibly moving (lyrics from it title this review). "Old Lady" grows on you like mad – an upbeat winner - as does "Take Off Your Shoes" with its religion and reverence. "Back Where You Belong" is properly great – a gorgeous melodious vocal with a drum rhythm that feels like a march towards something spiritual. It's followed by the joyful single "The Wolf Is Getting Married" (recently aired with such confidence on The Graham Norton Show on UK TV to a rapturous audience response). The witty and angry "Queen Of Denmark" has her best ever lyrics (mentioned above) and is followed by a powerhouse of hurt and longing called "Very Far From Home" where she pines with a stunning emotiveness "I long for you…see you in my dreams…" The last two tracks "I Had A Baby" and "V.I.P." suffer a little from being too preachy, but are powerful stuff nonetheless.

To sum up – like John Martyn, Bruce Springsteen, Joni Mitchell, Peter Gabriel, Paul Simon, Kate Bush and so many other great songwriters with brains and heart and the courage to wear their world on their sleeve for all of us to see - there is 'always' magic in their latest offering - that track that simply floors you - touches your soul even...

Well folks - Sinead O'Connor is back with an album chock full of them - and I'll openly admit that many of them left me in tears of admiration. "How About I Be Me (And You Be You)?" is a bit of a blinder frankly.

Way to go you gorgeous woman.

Universal 100th Anniversary Collection Reissues Series - BLU RAY and DVD - A List For 2012...

Universal's 100th Anniversary BLU RAY and DVD Reissues For 2012...
An Ongoing List..(June 2012)

Abbott and Costello – see “Buck Privates”
Abbott and Costello – see “Meet Frankenstein”
  1. Airport (1970). 4 September 2012. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  2. All Quite On The Western Front. 14 Feb 2012. USA two-disc set with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Digitally remastered and fully restored print of the 1930 Black & White masterpiece. Special 40-page book pack... (SEE REVIEW)
  3. American Graffiti. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set, Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  4. American Pie. 5 June 2012. Two-disc set Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  5. Apollo 13. 30 April 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  6. Atonement. 4 September 2012. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  7. Babe. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  8. A Beautiful Mind. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  9. The Big Lebowski. 5 June 2012. Two-disc set Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  10. Billy Elliott. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  11. The Birds. Release date to be advised - restored and remastered and packaged as per "All Quiet On The Western Front"
  12. The Blues Brothers. 6 March 2012. USA two-disc set with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  13. The Bourne Identity. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  14. The Bourne Supremacy. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  15. The Bourne Ultimatum. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  16. The Breakfast Club. 10 Jan 2012. USA two-disc set with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  17. The Bride Of Frankenstein. To be advised... (For DVD version see “Classic Monster Spotlight Collection” 3DVD Box Set)
  18. Bridesmaids. 4 September 2012. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  19. Brokeback Mountain. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  20. (Abbott And Costello in) Buck Privates. 17 April 2012. USA two-disc set. 1941 movie digitally remastered and fully restored. Book pack.
Creature From The Black Lagoon (DVD-only at present – see “Classic Monster Spotlight Collection” 3DVD Box Set in the list that follows this)
  1. Casino. 5 June 2012. USA two-disc set with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  2. The Deer Hunter. 6 March 2012. USA two-disc set with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  3. Despicable Me. 6 March 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  4. Do The Right Thing. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD & Digital Copy.
  5. Dracula. 1931 Black & White. To be advised… (For DVD version see “Classic Monster Spotlight Collection” 3DVD Box Set)
  6. 8 Mile. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD & Digital.
  7. Erin Brockovich. 5 June 2012. Blu Ray, DVD & Digital Copy.
  8. E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial. To be advised...
  9. Eternal Sunshine Of The Mind. 4 September 2012. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  10. The Fast And The Furious. 5 June 2012. Two-disc set Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  11. Fast Times At Ridgemont High. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  12. Field Of Dreams. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  13. The 40-Year-Old Virgin. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  14. Frankenstein. To be advised... (For DVD version see “Classic Monster Spotlight Collection” 3DVD Box Set)
  15. Harvey. Release Date To be advised. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  16. Inglorious Basterds. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  17. Jaws. August 2012. 2-disc set – Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Card Wrap and Book pack… (two variants)
  18. King Kong (Peter Jackson version). To be advised. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  19. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. 4 Sep 2012. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  20. Meet The Parents. 6 March 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray and DVD (No Digital Copy).
  21. Mamma Mia! The Movie. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  22. The Mummy. 5 June 2012. Two-disc set Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  23. National Lampoon’s Animal House. 5 June 2012. Two-disc set Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  24. The Nutty Professor. 6 March 2012. Two-disc set Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  25. Out Of Africa. 6 March 2012. USA Digitally remastered and fully restored. Book pack.
  26. Out Of Africa. 4 September 2012. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy [Non Book Pack]
  27. Parenthood. 6 March 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  28. Pillow Talk. 1 May 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Fully Restored and Digitally Remastered. Book pack.
  29. Ray. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  30. Scarface. 4 September 2012. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  31. Schindler’s List. To be advised…
  32. Seabiscuit. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray & DVD (No Digital Copy).
  33. Sixteen Candles. 5 June 2012. USA two-disc set – Blu Ray, DVD & Digital Copy
  34. Smokey And The Bandit. 5 June 2012. Blu Ray, DVD & Digital Copy.
  35. Spartacus. 5 June 2012. Blu Ray, DVD & Digital Copy.
  36. The Sting. 5 June 2012. Blu Ray & DVD 2-disc set. Fully restored and Book Pack like “To Kill A Mockingbird”...
  37. To Kill A Mockingbird. 31 Jan 2012. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Fully Restored and Digitally Remastered. See also UK release. (SEE REVIEW)
  38. United 93. 5 June 2012. Two-disc set Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
  39. Waterworld. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy - Theatrical and Extended cut (40 more minutes).

Abbott and Costello – see “Meet Frankenstein”
  1. Action Adventure Spotlight Collection [The Bourne Identity, The Fast And The Furious, The Mummy]. 6 March 2012. 3DVD Box Set.
  2. Airport (1970). 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  3. American Graffiti. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  4. American Pie. 5 June 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  5. Apollo 13. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy
  6. Atonement. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  7. A Beautiful Mind – Russell Crowe and Ed Harris. 6 March 2012. DVD.
  8. Best Picture Winners Spotlight Collection [Out Of Africa, A Beautiful Mind, All Quiet On The Western Front, Going My Way]. 6 March 2012. 4DVD Box Set.
  9. The Big Lebowski. 5 June 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  10. Billy Elliott – Jamie Bell. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  11. The Birds. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  12. The Blues Brothers. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  13. The Bourne Identity. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  14. The Bourne Supremacy. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  15. The Bourne Ultimatum. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  16. The Breakfast Club. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  17. Bridesmaids. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  18. Brokeback Mountain. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  19. Car Wash – Richard Prior. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  20. Casino. 5 June 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  21. Charade. 6 March 2012. USA 2-disc set. 1963 movie
  22. Classic Monsters Spotlight Collection [Dracula, Frankenstein, The Bride Of Frankenstein and Creature From The Black Lagoon]. 6 March 2012. 4DVD Box Set. Note: The “Spanish Language” version of Dracula is also included on the “Dracula” DVD - effectively making this a 5-film box set although it doesn’t actually state it as such).
  23. Coal Miner’s Daughter. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  24. Comedy Greats Spotlight Collection [National Lampoon's Animal House, The Blues Brothers, The Jerk, Car Wash]. 6 March 2012. 4DVD Box Set.
  25. The Deer Hunter – Robert DeNiro. 6 March 2012. DVD.
  26. Despicable Me. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  27. Destry Rides Again – James Stewart and Mischa Auer. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  28. Do The Right Thing. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  29. Double Indemnity. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy. 
  30. Duck Soup. 6 March 2012. Marx Brothers. DVD & Digital copy.
  31. Earthquake. 1974 film with Charlton Heston. 5 June 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  32. The Egg And I. 6 March 2012 DVD. Fred MacMurray and Claudette Colbert 1947 film.
  33. 8 Mile. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  34. 80’s Comedies Spotlight Collection [The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Fast Times At Ridgemont High]. 6 March 2012. 3DVD Box Set.
  35. Eternal Sunshine Of The Mind. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  36. Fast Times At Ridgemont High – Sean Penn. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  37. The 40-Year Old Virgin. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  38. Frances The Talking Mule. 6 March 2012. DVD.
  39. Harvey. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  40. High Plains Drifter. 5 June 2012. DVD and Digital Copy. (See also Westerns Spotlight Box Set…)
  41. Hollywood Legends Spotlight Collection [Harvey, Spartacus, Touch Of Evil]. 6 March 2012. 3DVD Box Set.
  42. Inglorious Basterds. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  43. Imitation Of Life – Two Movie Special Edition. 10 January 2012. Features both the 1934 version with Claudette Colbert and the 1959 remake starring Lana Turner. 2DVD set and Digital Copy.
  44. The Incredible Shrinking Man. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  45. Inspirational Favorites Spotlight Collection. [Apollo 13, Field Of Dreams, Seabiscuit]. 6 March 2012. 3DVD Box Set.
  46. It Came From Outer Space. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  47. The Jerk – Steve Martin. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  48. Jesus Christ Superstar – Ted Neeley. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  49. Jurassic Park. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  50. Jurassic Park – The Lost World. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  51. Jurassic Park Part III. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  52. King Kong (Peter Jackson version). 5 June 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  53. The Last Temptation Of Christ. 6 March 2012. DVD.
  54. Mamma Mia! The Movie. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  55. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  56. Meet The Parents. 6 March 2012. DVD.
  57. Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life. 6 March 2012. DVD & Digital Copy
  58. The Mummy. 5 June 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  59. Musicals Spotlight Collection [Mamma Mia! The Movie, Jesus Christ Superstar, Flower Drum Song]. 6 March 2012. 3DVD Box Set.
  60. My Man Godfrey. 6 March 2012 DVD. William Powell and Carole Lombard 1936 Black and White.
  61. National Lampoon’s Animal House. 5 June 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  62. The Nutty Professor – Eddie Murphy remake. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  63. Out Of Africa. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  64. Parenthood – Steve Martin. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  65. Psycho. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  66. Ray – Jamie Foxx and Kerry Washington. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
  67. Scarface. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  68. Schindler's List. 10 January 2012. USA DVD and Digital Copy.
  69. Screen Couples Spotlight Collection [Charade, Double Indemnity, Pillow Talk, My Little Chicadee]. 4DVD Box Set.
  70. Seabiscuit – Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges and Chris Cooper. 10 January 2012. DVD.
  71. Sullivan's Travels – Joel McCrae. 6 March 2012. DVD.
  72. Three Smart Girls – Deanna Durbin. 6 March 2012. DVD
  73. Touch Of Evil – Orson Wells. 10 January 2012. DVD & Digital Copy
  74. Vertigo. 4 September 2012. DVD & Digital Copy.
  75. Westerns Spotlight Collection [High Plains Drifter, Destry Rides Again, Winchester ‘73]. 6 March 2012. 3DVD Box Set.
  76. Winchester ’73. 5 June 2012. DVD and Digital Copy. (See also Westerns Spotlight Box Set…)

Universal's 100th Anniversary Collector's Edition – UK RELEASES
UK BLU RAY Reissues For 2012 - An On-Going List…
Today’s Date: 12 June 2012.

  1. Apollo 13 - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  2. Back To The Future – Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  3. The Blues Brothers – Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012. SEE REVIEW.
  4. The Bourne Ultimatum - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  5. Despicable Me - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  6. Gladiator - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  7. Jurassic Park - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012. SEE REVIEW.
  8. King Kong (2005) - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  9. Mamma Mia! - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  10. The Mummy - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  11. Nanny McPhee – Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  12. Paul - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.
  13. Shaun Of The Dead - Augmented Reality Edition. UK-only issue. 23 April 2012.


  1. The Birds (1963, Hitchcock)
  2. Dracula (1931, English Language Version – NOT RESTORED)

UPDATED - 12 June 2012

Sunday 4 March 2012

"To Kill A Mockingbird" on BLU RAY. A Review Of The 1962 Film – Now Fully Restored And Reissued On Blu Ray In 2012.


In April 2012 Universal Studios is 100 years old – and to celebrate that movie centenary - they’ve had 13 of their most-celebrated films fully restored for BLU RAY. But it doesn’t stop there. As many as 80 other titles will be given re-launches across the year as well - each featuring distinctive "100th Anniversary" card-wrap packaging and in many cases a host of new features. Most (not all) of these re-issues will be two-disc sets containing the Blu Ray, the DVD and also means to obtain a Digital Copy via download.

1962's "To Kill A Mockingbird" is one of the thirteen singled out for full restoration (see list below) – and an absolute peach it is too.

Released 10 January 2012 - it comes in a gorgeous limited edition 'book pack' (Barcode 5050582881844). The outer hardback holder has a card-pouch wrapped around it at the base and a 45-page booklet contained within. The book has interviews with Veronique Peck (his wife of 40 plus years), Harper Lee (author of the 1960 novel), pictures of the Shooting Script, Original Storyboards, Original Posters and Lobby Cards (from around the world), Press Book Excerpts and even Correspondence surrounding the movie (telegrams of congratulations from Fred Astaire, Betty Bacall and Charlton Heston). It’s a visual feast with loads of photos peppering the wonderful memorabilia. Universal are to be praised for this because it absolutely looks the part. But the real fireworks comes in the other two elements at play here – the extensive extras - and the glorious new print…

Digitally remastered and Fully Restored from Original Film Elements – Universal are reputed to have stumped-up over $300,000 for the restoration – and the Lowry results are BEAUTIFUL. Even from the opening logo and credits of a child drawing - there are no lines of scratches of any kind – and the black and white cinematography of 1930’s Alabama is fantastically clear. Stand-out clarity - the scene where the accused black man Tom Robertson is sweating in the courtroom as he relays his side of the story (a superlative Brock Peters – he read the Eulogy at Peck’s funeral in 2003 at Peck’s request), Atticus’s son Jem is in his dad’s car outside the family home of the black Robertson family as the hateful Bob Ewell looks on, the three children watching from the bushes as the mob try to take the jail with Atticus guarding the doorway, Atticus explaining what happened to Tom Robertson after the trial as the moonlight shines on his suit, the young girl Scout pointing out the simpleton Boo Radley behind the bedroom door (Robert Duvall’s stunning cinematic debut where he doesn’t utter a word but leaves an indelible mark) – it’s all suddenly gorgeous. And the sound is rounded and clean too. An exemplary job.

The extras are equally superb – the centrepiece of which is a near one and half-hour documentary called "A Conversation With…". It’s a feast for Peck fans – interviews with Barry Norman in 1974, Terry Wogan in 1979 and other notables throughout the years are peppered with home movies and footage of Peck giving a one-on-one show to a Virginia audience in 1999. It's a raconteur tour-de-force a la David Niven – an 83-year old Peck is generous, charming, witty, responsive – full of anecdotes about Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren and Harper Lee. We get stories about meeting his wife in Paris just before shooting for "Roman Holiday" began – there's footage of dinner in Paris with the President of France Jacques Chirac and his family in Paris – US President Bill Clinton giving Peck the National Medal Of Arts and dropping it! But most of all you 'get' why Gregory Peck was greeted with such staggering affection everywhere he went in the world – he exuded 'good guy' – that old style Hollywood class that didn’t have a mean bone in his body. It's joyful stuff to watch.

The movie itself has entered into folklore – released in 1962 and filmed in Black and White – it primarily centres on a black man accused of raping a white woman and the trial that follows. Such was the power of the story – and especially Peck’s central performance as the principled lawyer Atticus Finch (his only Oscar win) it literally inspired members of the public to take up the law as a profession and even impacted on America’s turbulent and changing racial landscape of the time.

The performances by the children as innocents are particularly superb too – but it’s Peck who dominates the whole thing with a gravitas and sincerity that few actors could match. His stand against bigotry is magnificent and filled with a quiet decency that has touched audiences for decades. As if sensing the importance of the part, Peck’s scrawl is all over the shooting script – to the point that it often obliterates the text - the four words he scribbled on the last page describing the character he plays title this review – and describe the great man himself.

To sum up - with the 1930 anti-war masterpiece "All Quiet On The Western Front" also being amongst the first vanguard of these 'restored' releases – it's heartening to see Universal Studios finally throw some proper money at the preservation of its movie legacy – and be proud about doing so too. I for one will collect the whole series - and live in hope that other studios respect their past in the same glorious way.

An absolutely first-class release – and then some.

BLU RAY Specifications:
1. "Fearful Symmetry" – A feature-length documentary on the making of "To Kill A Mockingbird" with cast and crew interviews and a visit to Harper Lee's home town
2. "A Conversation with Gregory Peck" – an intimate feature-length documentary on one of the most beloved actors in film history with interviews, film clips home movies and more
3. "Academy Awards Best Actor Acceptance Speech"
4. "American Film Institute Life Achievement Award" – Gregory Peck’s memorable remarks upon receiving the AFI Life Achievement Award.
5. "Excerpt From Tribute To Gregory Peck" – Cecilia Peck's heart-warming farewell to her father given at the Academy in celebration of his life
6. "Scout Remembers" – Actress Mary Badham shares her experiences working with Gregory Peck
7. "Theatrical Trailer" – Original Theatrical Trailer of the film
8. "Feature Commentary" – with Director Robert Mulligan and Producer Alan Pakula
9. "100 Years Of Universal: Restoring The Classics" – An in-depth look at the intricate process of preserving the studio's film legacy
10. Blu-Ray Exclusive – U-Control
11. Pocket Blu – download content to your Smartphone and Tablet

VIDEO: 1080p High-Definition Widescreen 1.85:1
(Print Digitally Remastered and Fully Restored from Original Film Elements)
AUDIO: English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese DTS Mono 2.0
SUBTITLES: English SDH, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Cantonese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish, Traditional Mandarin

PS: The 13 'restored' Blu Ray titles in Universal's 100th Anniversary series are:

1. All Quiet On The Western Front (1930). Released 13 Feb 2012 in the UK. Restored, Remastered and a beautiful 40-page book pack...
2. The Birds (1963). Release date to be advised. Restoration and remastering as per “All Quiet…” and the packaging probably the same...
3. Abbott And Costello’s Buck Privates (1941). The Blu Ray is USA released 17 April 2012 (see for artwork) - a 2-disc "Collector's Edition" with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. It's fully restored, digitally remastered and in a book pack.
4. Dracula (1931). Release date to be advised. Packaging probably as per "All Quiet On The Western Front" - restored/remastered etc. Will include both English and Spanish versions.
5. E.T. – The Extra Terrestrial (1982). Release date to be advised.
6. Frankenstein (1931). Release date to be advised. Restoration and remastering as per 1 above, packaging probably the same...
7. The Bride Of Frankenstein (1935). Sequel that's better than the 1931 original - release date yet to be advised and will probably be in the same packaging as "Western Front" and "Mockingbird"...
8. Jaws (1975). And about time too - Spielberg's masterful 1975 shark-movie finally gets to Blu Ray. Release date to be advised (probably June 2012) and as above....
9. Out Of Africa (1985). Many will be pleased to see this picturesque romance finally get the Blu Ray makeover. 6 March 2012 release in the States.
10. Pillow Talk (1959). 7 May 2012 UK release - two-disc set – Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Fully Restored and Digitally Remastered. In a beautiful book pack.
11. Schindler’s List (1993). Release date to be advised. Restoration and remastering as above, packaging probably the same...
12. The Sting (1973). Release date to be advised. Restoration and remastering as above, packaging probably the same..
13. To Kill A Mockingbird (1962) 10 January 2012 - reviewed above.

Universal's 100th Anniversary Collector's Edition BLU RAY and DVD Reissues For 2012...An Ongoing List

1. All Quite On The Western Front. 14 Feb 2012. USA two-disc set with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Digitally remastered and fully restored print of the 1930 Black & White masterpiece. Special 40-page book pack...
2. American Graffiti. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set, Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
3. Apollo 13. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
4. Babe. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
5. A Beautiful Mind. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
6. Billy Elliott. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
7. The Birds. Release date to be advised - restored and remastered and packaged as per "All Quiet On The Western Front"
8. The Blues Brothers. 6 March 2012 USA two-disc set with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
9. The Bourne Identity. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
10. The Bourne Supremacy. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
11. The Bourne Ultimatum. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
12. The Breakfast Club. 10 Jan 2012. USA two-disc set with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. 1985 classic - but early word is that the print isn't any better than DVD?
13. The Bride Of Frankenstein. To be advised...
14. Brokeback Mountain. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
15. Abbott And Costello's Buck Privates. 17 April 2012. USA two-disc set. 1941 movie digitally remastered and fully restored. Book pack.
16. The Deer Hunter. 6 March 2012. USA two-disc set with Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
17. Despicable Me. 6 March 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
18. Do The Right Thing. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD & Digital Copy.
19. Dracula. 1931 Black & White. To be advised…
20. 8 Mile. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD & Digital.
21. E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial. To be advised...
22. Fast Times At Ridgemont High. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
23. Field Of Dreams. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
24. The 40-Year-Old Virgin. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
25. Frankenstein. To be advised...
26. Harvey. Release Date To be advised. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
27. Inglorious Basterds. 4 March 2012 USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
28. Jaws. To be advised...
29. Meet The Parents. 6 March 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray and DVD (No Digital Copy).
30. Mamma Mia! The Movie. 10 January 2012. Two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
31. The Nutty Professor. 6 March 2012. Two-disc set Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
32. Out Of Africa. 6 March 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Digitally remastered and fully restored. Book pack
33. Parenthood. 6 March 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
34. Pillow Talk. 1 May 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Fully Restored and Digitally Remastered. Book pack.
35. Ray. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy.
36. Schindler’s List ???
37. Seabiscuit. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray & DVD (No Digital Copy).
38. The Sting. To be advised...
39. To Kill A Mockingbird. 31 Jan 2012. Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Fully Restored and Digitally Remastered. See also UK release.
40. Waterworld. 10 January 2012. USA two-disc set - Blu Ray, DVD and Digital Copy - Theatrical and Extended cut (40 more minutes).

1. Action Adventure Spotlight Collection [The Bourne Identity, The Fast And The Furious, The Mummy]. 6 March 2012. 3DVDs.
2. American Graffiti. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
3. Apollo 13. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy
4. A Beautiful Mind – Russell Crowe and Ed Harris. 6 March 2012. DVD.
5. Best Picture Winners Spotlight Collection [Out Of Africa, A Beautiful Mind, All Quiet On The Western Front, Going My Way]. 6 March 2012. 4DVDs.
6. Billy Elliott – Jamie Bell. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
7. The Blues Brothers. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
8. The Bourne Identity. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
9. The Bourne Supremacy. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
10. The Bourne Ultimatum. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
11. The Breakfast Club. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
12. Brokeback Mountain. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
13. Car Wash – Richard Prior. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
14. Charade. 6 March 2012. USA 2-disc set. 1963 movie
15. Classic Monsters Spotlight Collection [Dracula, Frankenstein, The Bride Of Frankenstein and Creature From The Black lagoon]. 6 March 2012 4DVD box set - all restored prints.
16. Coal Miner’s Daughter. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
17. Comedy Greats Spotlight Collection [National Lampoon's Animal House, The Blues Brothers, The Jerk, Car Wash]. 6 March 2012. 4DVDs.
18. The Deer Hunter – Robert DeNiro. 6 March 2012. DVD.
19. Despicable Me. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
20. Destry Rides Again – James Stewart and Mischa Auer. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
21. Do The Right Thing. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
22. Duck Soup. 6 March 2012. Marx Brothers. DVD & Digital copy.
23. The Egg And I. 6 March 2012 DVD. Fred MacMurray and Claudette Colbert 1947 film.
24. 8 Mile. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
25. 80’s Comedies Spotlight Collection [The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Fast Times At Ridgemont High]. 6 March 2012. 3DVDs.
26. Fast Times At Ridgemont High – Sean Penn. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
27. The 40-Year Old Virgin. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
28. Frances The Talking Mule. 6 March 2012. DVD.
29. Harvey. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
30. Hollywood Legends Spotlight Collection [Harvey, Spartacus, Touch Of Evil]. 6 March 2012. 3DVDs.
31. Inglorious Basterds. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
32. Imitation Of Life – Two Movie Special Edition. 10 January 2012. Features both the 1934 version with Claudette Colbert and the 1959 remake starring Lana Turner. 2DVD set and Digital Copy.
33. The Jerk – Steve Martin. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
34. Jesus Christ Superstar – Ted Neeley. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
35. The Last Temptation Of Christ. 6 March 2012. DVD.
36. Mamma Mia! The Movie. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
37. Meet The Parents. 6 March 2012. DVD.
38. Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life. 6 March 2012. DVD & Digital Copy
39. Musicals Spotlight Collection [Mamma Mia! The Movie, Jesus Christ Superstar, Flower Drum Song]. 6 March 2012. 3DVDs.
40. My Man Godfrey. 6 March 2012 DVD. William Powell and Carole Lombard 1936 Black and White.
41. The Nutty Professor – Eddie Murphy remake. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
42. Parenthood – Steve Martin. 6 March 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
43. Ray – Jamie Foxx and Kerry Washington. 10 January 2012. DVD and Digital Copy.
44. Schindler's List. 10 January 2012. USA DVD and Digital Copy.
45. Screen Couples Spotlight Collection [Charade, Double Indemnity, Pillow Talk, My Little Chicadee]. 4DVDs Box Set.
46. Seabiscuit – Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges and Chris Cooper. 10 January 2012. DVD.
47. Sullivan's Travels – Joel McCrae. 6 March 2012.
48. Three Smart Girls – Deanna Durbin. 6 March 2012. DVD
49. Touch Of Evil – Orson Wells. 10 January 2012. DVD & Digital Copy
50. Westerns Spotlight Collection [High Plains Drifter, Destry Rides Again, Winchester ‘73]. 6 March 2012. 3DVDs.

Thursday 1 March 2012

“The Hustler” on BLU RAY. A Review.

"…One Ball…Corner Pocket…"

Back in the mists of 2008 - I reviewed a 20th Century Fox DVD series called "Cinema Reserve" - this peach was among them. The review was for "The Day The Earth Stood Still" (it gives you the full "Cinema Reserve" list at the end of it). I actually collected all 17 of those titles in their fetching numbered steel tins before Blu Ray saw the series off.

And of the lot - this 1961 black and white gem had by far the most immaculate print. Well - I'm glad to say that this May 2011 BLU RAY reissue of "The Hustler" is the same. The print on here is GORGEOUS and adds hugely to your enjoyment of the dingy smoke-filled poolrooms and dodgy characters therein. And the great extras are all here too. (There's also a subsequent USA 'book pack' reissue of this film that is very tastefully done - and apparently 'all regions').

Paul Newman and Jackie Gleeson – will we ever see their like again? Remember them this way - and buy with confidence.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

"The Jane Austen Book Club" on BLU RAY. A Review Of The 2007 Film Now Reissued And Remastered Onto A 'European' BLU RAY.

"…Beautiful And Accomplished…"

I reviewed the DVD to the lovely "Jane Austen Book Club" in November 2008 and have been hoping for a playable UK Blu Ray reissue ever since - and at last - here it is (albeit in a roundabout way). And what a corker it's turned out to be.

First up - the BLU RAY is a European issue on Sony Pictures Classics (Danish to be exact - complete with Danish details on the rear sleeve). The 'billedformat' (aspect) here is a High Definition Widescreen Presentation in 2.40:1. The ratio aspects of 1.78:1 and 16.9 also appear at the bottom of the box too. Whatever way you look at it - it automatically fills your entire screen (no bars top or bottom) and unusual for this kind of reissue, the film is 're-mastered in high definition'. Unlike its US counterpart where some have complained about the softness of the image - the 're-mastered' difference here is gobsmacking. This is a beautiful transfer from start to finish and has made the whole film feel properly grown up all of a sudden. Best of all for European customers - it's 'Region A, B and C' coded - which is all-regions and will therefore play on all players.

Right from the opening montage of busy people on mobiles trying to get through their day without killing themselves or someone else - the clarity of the shots and the actor's names rolling in the credits is absolutely amazing. When Prudie (Emily Blunt) is in her car with Lynn Redgrave (who plays her mother) - the camera is maybe two foot away from her face and you can't see embarrassing blusher or lipstick to up the lips - her makeup is so expertly done and the scene so beautifully filmed that it looks absolutely spot on - without you knowing why. When Maria Bello is showing Grigg around her dog pens (Hugh Dancy) in the morning sunshine - it's fantastically clear - and adds a depth and warmth to the watch the DVD didn't even get close to (if you want an appraisal of the movie itself - go to my separate DVD posting entitled "Never Underestimate The Power Of A Well-Written Letter").

Almost all the extras of the DVD have been transferred to BLU RAY (see list below). Particularly nice is the 'Behind The Scenes' feature which has interviews with most of the cast clearly enthused by the film they're in and Robin Swicord's superb Writing and Direction - and a short but fascinating history on Austen in literature.

To sum up - in a world where I watch and review way too many lack-lustre transfers onto BLU RAY - this BR version of "The Jane Austen Book Club" is a joy to look at. It gives the punter what they want (properly great picture quality) - and I'm thrilled to say that this little peach of a film fully deserves it. And it's reasonably priced too.

Highly recommended.

BLU RAY Specifications:
REGIONS: A, B and C (all regions)
ASPECT: High Definition Widescreen 2.40:1 (1.78:1 and 16.9)
AUDIO: English TrueHD 5.1 and Italian TrueHD 5.1
SUBTITLES: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Italian, English and English for the Hard Of Hearing

BONUS Material:
Cast And Crew Commentary (Subtitles in English and Italian)
Behind-The-Scenes of The Jane Austen Book Club
The Life Of Jane Austen
The Book Club: Deconstructed
Walking The Red Carpet Los Angeles Premier (DVD-only feature)
Deleted Scenes

Barcode for Danish disc is 5051159223470 – they’re using it for UK releases too.

Monday 27 February 2012

"Bond 50" on BLU RAY. A 'Preamble' On The October 2012 22-Disc Box Set.

"…One Of Nature's Finest Killers... ...One Is Never Too Old To Learn From A Master..." 

A few details worth noting about this 22-disc BLU RAY box set as a preamble to its release in Oct 2012... 

Calling itself "Bond 50" - and with 22 films instead of 24 - it does not claim to be complete. 

I mention this because there are fans out there who will always feel that without the original 1967 version of "Casino Royale" with David Niven and Sean Connery's 1983 return in "Never Say Never Again" - a box like this will never represent the 'full' Bond experience (whether you like those films or not). It's a matter of personal choice of course - but their exclusion is unlikely to bother fans eagerly awaiting "Bond 50"... 

Why? Excluding the two Daniel Craig outings ("Casino Royale" and "Quantum Of Solace" which are also in the box) - as of February 2012 there are only 11 of the previous 20 James Bond movies presently on Blu Ray - they are "Dr. No", "From Russia With Love", "Goldfinger", "Thunderball", "Live And Let Die", "The Man With The Golden Gun", "For Your Eyes Only", "Moonraker", "License To Kill", "Die Another Day" and "The World Is Not Enough". [Note: it appears that "The Man With The Golden Gun" and "Licence To Kill" are 'EURO' issues - covering in German writing and with no card wraps]. 

The 11 that are out there are 1-disc Blu Ray versions matching exactly the 2DVD "Ultimate Edition" issues from 2006. They boast a genuinely beautiful print (a full Lowry Digital Frame-By-Frame Restoration) and each is packed with great extras from the time. Overall - you get hundreds of hours of Bond memories. I've reviewed "Goldfinger" and have also raved about "Live And Let Die" as examples of how good reissued Blu Ray can be when its done properly. 

So when this Blu Ray box does come out - it will make the remaining 9 available for the first time on that format - and they will be nothing short of spectacular to look at - "You Only Live Twice", "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", "Diamonds Are Forever", "The Spy Who Loved Me", "Octopussy", "A View To A Kill", "The Living Daylights", "Goldeneye" and "Tomorrow Never Dies". 

Having said all of that - what will bother fans will be the lack of any further extras. At this point (March 2012) - there are no indications of new bonus material and if 20th Century Fox had had any - you would imagine they'd advertise it big time. So we should presume at this point - there isn't. But as I say - what is on there - is huge and endlessly entertaining. 

So to sum up this preamble - at a retail price of a little over four pounds/five bucks per disc - "Bond 50" is a still a bit of a steal and will surely feature heavily in people's Christmas shopping baskets. I'm personally hoping that each of the remaining 9 are reissued 'individually' in the same matching card wraps as the initial releases - so I can match up the spines (oh dear - I need to get out more). 

"Bond 50" is already lining itself up to be a format 'Reissue Of The Year'. And like Plenty O'Toole at the crap table in "Diamonds Are Forever" - I for one can't wait to get my grubby paws on these fully featured beauties (terrible pun intended Mister Bond)...

Sunday 26 February 2012

“The Jane Austen Book Club” on DVD. A Review Of The 2007 Movie Now Released On DVD.

"…Never Underestimate The Power Of A Well-Written Letter…"

It's November 2007 (released on DVD 17 March 2008) and I've just come back from an early evening showing of this film in our nearby multiplex on a wet and windy Saturday night in London. My mate and I were looking for something uplifting and light and decided on this. No one else did. We were the lone two in the cinema - literally. I suspect that's because "The Jane Austen Book Club" has received 3-star reviews almost everywhere - which is a damn shame - because it's so much better than that - and we both thought so.

Here's the basic story: Six women of different ages and sexual persuasions form a book club to discuss something that unites and excites them all - Jane Austen's six period-piece novels. One will be tackled and talked about every month in the club in a different location. There's "Pride & Prejudice", "Sense & Sensibility", "Emma", "Northanger Abbey", " Mansfield Park" and "Persuasion". The actresses are Amy Brennaman (who is married to and having trouble with Jimmy Smits), Emily Blunt (who is a married teacher lusting after an 18-year hunky student, while she gets nothing mentally or physically from her basic guy of a husband and mad hippy mum), Kathy Baker (the oldest in the group, who has been married six times and is happily looking for husband number seven), Maggie Grace who's Amy Brennaman's daughter and a lesbian in love with a manipulative writer - and finally Maria Bello - who loves dogs more than almost anything - including men.

The Writer/Director Robin Swicord has sculpted their lives to mirror Austen's plots and as some reviewers have pointed out, these bits are a little too pat for comfort. But that doesn't stop the dialogue from being repeatedly touching and amazingly on the pulse of how love is in the complicated and confusing 2000s. There are rare insights here and beautifully observed snippets of life too (taking a tip from a device Austen uses in her books - dialogue by Kathy Baker's character titles this review).

The actresses as you can imagine (given great material) are uniformly superb also - especially Emily Blunt - who looks ravishing every time the camera is pointed at her - a huge star in the making if ever there was one. Maria Bello is her usual classy self, bringing real gravitas and warmth to her character, who has to do the most 'growing' and Amy Brennaman adds a real earthiness to what would have been a little too frothy a crew. Maggie Grace is both lovely and sexy as the passionate and headstrong daughter. The warmth and sheer class of Kathy Baker combined with a brilliantly nutty fruitcake turn by Lynn Redgrave only add icing to an already fantastic ensemble cake.

Then come the men who are excellent choices both as actors and eye-candy. The hugely likeable Hugh Dancy plays the hapless Grigg who fancies Maria Bello's character Jocelyn - but she only wants to pair him off with Amy Brennaman's character Sylvia. Sylvia is too much in love with/and hurt by her now parted/cheating husband Jimmy Smits to notice anyone. Jimmy Smits is excellent and so likeable - it's easy to see why Robin Swicord wanted to work with him. Emily Blunt's prim and proper Prudie is driven by her need to be neat, ordered and have everything just so - but she is wild inside for forbidden fruit - licking her rather delicious lips at the heartthrob that is Trey played by Kevin Zegers ("...he looks at me like he's the spoon...and I'm a dish of ice cream..."). But the unfolding surprise is Marc Blucas as Blunt's husband Dean - his performance is clever - he seems like a sap at first trapped in a marriage he no longer understands - but his growth back to his wife is beautifully handled and convincing.

And then of course there's 'that' writer - the gorgeous Jane Austen - who generation-after-generation takes every heart by storm. Hearing each of Austen's novels discussed and critiqued and then hearing extracts from some of them only makes you want to run out and instantly buy all six - then go on a Jane-bender yourself.

"The Jane Austen Book Club" is not quite a rom-com - nor a full-on girly fest - it's much better than that. Like Austen's writing - it's properly romantic and wordy-delicious - and you want to return to it again and again. More importantly - you can't help but feel that real heart, belief and joy went into the making of this 'little film' and all concerned had a total blast doing it.

"The Jane Austen Book Club" is that rarest of things in Hollywood these days - a movie that gives you both romance and heart - and doesn't get cloying on either. Personally I think it's a bit of an unsung masterpiece. Ignore the so-so reviews and give it a whirl...

PS: There now follows extracts from my all new 2007 in-the-real-world kickass street version of "Pride & Prejudice" - coming to a multiplex near you - just in time for Oscars 2008 next year.
Mister Darcy (played by a bald Bruce Willis) has just emerged from the lake all clingy and wet and unable to control his ardor no more.
He pulls Miss Bennett (played by Sharon Stone in a ludicrously tight rubber bodice) to his chest in a saucy-fellow Errol Flynn kind of way.
There is a longing in his visage and it isn't for English tea and muffins.
There is something in his eye and it isn't engine-oil or grit.

(Looking down at her heaving bosoms)
Oh Miss Bennett!

(Looking down at something else that's heaving)
Oh Mister Darcy! What is ‘that' in your soggy breaches?
(She now looks away to Pemberley's six hundred bedrooms - suddenly acquires a glint in her eye)
Let's go back to your place!!

Sunday 19 February 2012

"Cinema Paradiso". A Review Of The 1989 Italian Film Now Reissued On A 2009 BLU RAY.

"…Grazie Alfredo…"

Name-checked by the ludicrously-well-balanced readers of England's "The Guardian" newspaper in 2007 as their favourite-ever Foreign Language film - Giuseppe Tornatore's "Cinema Paradiso" was already the stuff of celluloid legend less than a decade after its release - and rightly so.

I remember the first time I saw it - I bawled my eyes out like a big girl's blouse - and it's been emblazoned in my heart and top five ever since. I make no bones about it - if "The Shawshank Redemption" is the greatest film ever made (and the absolute people's champ according to the IMDB database) - then "Cinema Paradiso" is the most 'beautiful' film ever made - and my number two with a bullet.

First aired in Italian cinemas in 1988 at 155-minutes - "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso" (its original title) was not well received at the box office. So edited down to a more manageable 123-minute length and given a shortened name - it was then re-presented by a terrified and weary Director at the Cannes Film Festival in 1989. The results were magical. The cast was literally cheered and applauded by hardened film critics as they walked from the screening to their hotel rooms. It won the Jury Prize at Cannes that year, then the Baftas, followed by the Oscars and subsequently garnished some twenty-plus awards in Europe alone (they run like a role of honour before the film starts)...

Told in flashback and subtitles - an elderly Italian lady phones her son in Rome who is now a big movie director. A local man has died and his funeral is the following day - she feels he must attend. Failing to get through - her daughter who is sat beside her mum reasons that maybe he's doesn't want to remember - after all he's been away from home for over 30 years? But as she dials again - mother insists - Salvatore will make an exception for Alfredo. When the middle-aged but still devilishly handsome Salvatore Di Vata lies on his pillow beside his beautiful young starlet partner in his suitably plush apartment - the camera closes in on his guilty face as he remembers who and what got him there...

And so the story begins - we're introduced to Salvatore as a precocious young 8-year old boy (nick-named Toto) who lives in the small Sicilian coastal town of Giancaldo. As his mother Maria stoically waits for her husband to return from the Second World War - she darns socks and makes ends meet (subtly played by Antonella Attili). Meanwhile Toto sneaks away from his alter-boy duties with the town's priest - the hotheaded and sometimes comical Father Adelfio (brilliantly played by Leopoldo Trieste) to his real obsession - being with the wily old Alfredo in the projection booth of the local flick emporium 'Cinema Paradiso'. Childless himself, but big-hearted to a fault when it comes to the permanently inquisitive boy - Alfredo is a surrogate father to Toto and a hugely positive influence in the child's formative years (veteran French actor Philippe Noiret putting in a towering and endearing performance).

But more importantly - Alfredo makes Toto feel wonder. All those glamorous movie stars and the exotic locations they inhabit - their fabulous lives with all that possibility. Then there's the community who gather in the cinema - characters who spit - kids who drop spiders down the open mouths of sleeping patrons - hookers who sell their wares in the booth at the back. Onscreen there's Edward G Robinson gangsters - John Wayne cowboys - Charlie Chaplin comedians - gunshots followed by laughter (a few in the back seats of the cinema are timed to match those onscreen). And in between the feature films are newsreels that show war and horror and political change - but somewhere else. Then there's the really good stuff - like love and kissing and sex - if only the priest didn't vet it out with the shake of a bell ("Twenty-years! And I've never seen a kiss on screen!"). And as he peers out through the carved lion's mouth beneath the projection booth onto the gathered patrons below basking in that swirling combination of light and cigarette smoke - Toto gobbles it all up. Until one evening when Alfredo does the crowd a favour and the highly flammable film stock catches fire and changes the course of everyone's life...

Although accused of being a little over romanticized in places (young women wash their hair in fountains, happy kids carry books up school steps in glorious sunshine) - Tornatore is saying that this is an Italy of old where things seemed simpler. There are inkwells in school desks and children have their heads shaved in public to rid them of lice - but there's also laughter in the town square as people gather of an evening. And as the movie progresses with the decades - so some of that innocence and community is brutalized and lost (the final fate of the building itself, the town lunatic still prowling the square that no longer seems quirky but sad). "Cinema Paradiso" is funny and poignant a lot. The teacher banging the dullard kid's head against the chalk blackboard because he can't get his sums right - night-student Alfredo trying to skive answers off Toto as he sits an exam that only young children should be taking - the town lottery-winner who looks up at the burned-out shell of a building and thinks I can rebuild this...

But it's the relationship between Toto and Alfredo that drives the movie and is full of remembrances and sweetly observed moments. The scene where the child Toto rides in the basket on Alfredo's bike down the hill towards the town will make many think of the love they feel for their own parents. Toto then grows into a handsome 18-year-old who falls madly in love with a girl who gets off a bus as he's filming. Agnese Nano plays Elena and while Salvatore's initial advances are spurned, the beautiful Elena eventually comes around - only to have their love parted by fate and a banker father with other ideas for his daughter (their story as adults is considerably fleshed out in the extended 'Director's Cut'). Finally - the young Salvatore is told to leave this dead town and curdled past behind - go forward and create - never look back. Alfredo loves him enough to make the ultimate sacrifice - let him go - be his own man. And on it goes to an end-sequence that is quite possibly the best ever made.

The BLU RAY has been both praised and derided for picture and content. A little history is needed here to explain. A Theatrical Version was first put out on VHS in 1994 - DVD in 1997 - a greatly extended "Director's Cut" in 2001 (177-minutes) - a 2DVD set in 2003 which contained both versions - and finally a 4-disc box set is 2007 with both films, an Extras disc and the music CD by Ennio Morricone.

This 2009 single-disc Blu Ray contains the 'Theatrical Version' only and 'some' of the extras. Very much on the plus side of this BLU RAY is that one of those extras is the stunning Morricone film score - and it's the remastered extended version of 23-tracks. A very nice touch is that it plays on screen with great sound and a lovely collage of photos from the film (it essentially streams the 'Photo Gallery' extra) that also has shots of the cast and crew. There are interviews with a grown-up Salvatore Cascio (who played the child Toto) and Director Tornatore in the principal featurette - "A Bear And A Mouse In Paradise: A Documentary". And the wonderful montage of naughty cut outs that end the film is discussed in another extra that also tells you onscreen what clip is from what movie. It's good - it is - but it's also such a shame that the equally magnificent and more substantial 'Extended version' isn't on here - a very definite blot of this reissue's copybook.

The picture quality ranges from the truly gorgeous (outdoor sequences in sunshine) to the merely good (scenes in Toto's home, the projection booth and the cinema itself). When it's less than defined (which isn't a lot) - there are a few specks on screen and some grain - but not so much that it would detract. As someone who's seen this film a lot on DVD - I loved seeing the print this clean and clear on BLU RAY - far, far better.

Why does "Cinema Paradiso" resonate with audiences so much? I can't help but feel that it's the poignancy of the loss as much as the joy that touches us. Young love - young dreams - still fresh - still uncorrupted by life and its disappointments. The famous 'kissing' sequence that ends the movie sums it up best. It was apparently shown to the actor Jacques Perrin (who plays the adult Salvatore) without him knowing what he was going to see. His reactions of being blown away are real - and we in turn were exactly the same when we first saw it - blown away. Frankly Scarlett - if you're not in floods of tears by the time that sequence ends - check your pulse, you could already be dead...

"Cinema Paradiso" is a masterpiece - and sure this BLU RAY reissue of it is fundamentally flawed without that 'Extended Cut' to give you a fuller picture. But I have to say that re-watching it on this format has been a joy for me. I cried like a sop again - and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Beautiful and then some.

INDEX - Entries and Artist Posts in Alphabetical Order