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Sunday, 29 March 2009

“Thick As Thieves” aka “The Code”. A Review of the 2008 Film on 2009 Blu Ray.

"Some People Were Born To Write Songs...I Was Born To Steal..."

This is a strange one. The cast is admirable enough; the story is very clever in parts and the director an experienced professional who has delivered very good movies before - yet somehow, "Thick As Thieves" just doesn't fly.

The idea on paper of Banderas and Freeman working together is probably what got this made - the reality of it is that there's very little chemistry between them - they come across as misfits instead of matches.

It does work between Banderas and the lovely/sexy Radha Mitchell and its also fab to see Robert Forster in any movie. But when you think of the sheer electricity that Freeman and Jack Nicholson generated in "The Bucket List", you realise that there's something's seriously amiss here. It's also known as "The Code" in the States - and you know you're in trouble when they can't even settle on a name...

The Blu Ray picture is exceptional in places (when Freeman and Banderas plan the heist in the bar - close up on their faces), but only OK in other places (the NYPD reception in the jewellers). There's a "Making Of" that consists of the crew shooting segments (mostly outdoors) where Freeman looks bored all the time and Banderas gets eyed up by everyone - there's also a few cast interviews that are OK, but hardly great.

Three stars. A rental I'm afraid.

“L.A. Confidential” - A Review of the 1997 Film Reissued on a 2009 BLU RAY.

“And The Dapper Little Gent Does It In Style…”

There's a moment in Curtis Hanson's 1997 peach of a film when Guy Pearce playing good-guy cop Ed Exley enters The Night Owl café to check up on possible multiple homicides in the early hours of the morning... As he does, the camera pans across the Formica counter and the nearby tabletops, the saltcellars, the napkin dispensers, the circular seats, the candy vendors... There's tons of stuff in a few seconds - all of 1950s - the attention to detail is mind-blowing... Hanson had made a $15 million dollar movie look like it cost ten times that and I'm thrilled to say that this BLU RAY version of "L.A. Confidential" does exactly the same.

While it's not "Zulu" or "2001: A Space Odyssey" perfect in terms of print - other people's reckoning of 4.5 out of 5 is accurate. I'd estimate that 80-90% of the time the picture is glorious and even when it's a little soft in places, the rest is `so' good, you hardly notice. Also, as you re-watch it, you realise just how good LAC was and what a superlative job Hanson did in bringing the seedy underbelly of Hollywood and the LAPD of the time to the screen. Everything fits on "L.A. Confidential" - the incredible ensemble cast you couldn't buy for love or money now - the chemistry between them all - the ruthlessly realistic story and spunky adaptation of it, the beautiful night locations, the dapper clothes, the colours - even Jerry Goldsmith's music - mellow brass followed by staccato piano fills - was absolute genius! It all worked - and now it looks the business too.

Watching Crowe and Basinger in the main feature in all their beautifully filmed sizzling glory is a treat for sure - but the list of extras is equally impressive too. Check these out...

1. Commentary by Andrew Sarris [Film Critic], James Ellroy [Novelist], actors Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Guy Pearce, David Strathairn, Kim Basinger, Danny DeVito and James Cromwell accompanied by Ruth Myers [Casting], Brian Helgeand [co-writer of the screen with Curtis Hanson the Director], Jeannine Opwell [Production Design], Dante Spinotti [Cinematographer]
(with or without SUBTITLES)

2. "Whatever You Desire: The Making Of L.A. Confidential"
All-new interviews with Director/Screen Writer/Producer Curtis Hanson and his cast & crew

3. "Sunlight & Shadow: The Visual Style Of L.A. Confidential". Hanson gives a behind-the-scenes commentary to reveal how they captured 1950's and brought LA Confidential to life.

4. "A True Ensemble: The Cast Of L.A. Confidential". RC, GP, DD, KB and JC all join Hanson to discuss the chemistry they hoped would happen and did

5. "L.A. Confidential: From Book To Screen". Hanson and co-writer Brian Helgeland discuss the difficulty of bringing the film to screen

6. "Off The Record". Behind the scenes featurette with the cast & crew

7. Photo Pitch: Curtis Hanson recreates his original pitch for L.A. Confidential

8. 2000 TV Pilot

9. "The L.A. of L.A. Confidential": and interactive tour of many of the locations used in the movie

10. Music Only Track

11. Trailers [5 Versions]

12. Online interactivity

If like me, you saw this at the flicks, then bought it on DVD, and loved it on both occasions - you will need to upgrade to this version. Like the beautiful looking and endlessly uplifting BR version of "The Shawshank Redemption" - "L.A. Confidential" is a triumph on BLU RAY. There's no "hush, hush" on this one folks - highly recommended.

Friday, 27 March 2009

"The French Connection" - A Review Of The 1971 Film Issued on BLU RAY

“He’s throwing money around like the Russians are gonna land in Jersey…”

I'm afraid I have to agree with other reviewers of this Blu Ray version of William Friedkin's masterpiece. It looks awful a large part of the time, which completely ruins the other times when it shines.

Ironically, the problem lies in the film's strength - its gritty portrayal of New York and the drug culture taking a grip of it in the early Seventies. The Director wanted realism - not just in his actor's performances, but literally how their New York playground looked - so he went for that. Movements are blurry, alleyways are hazy, characters are observed from an out-of-focus distance (aping what Popeye Doyle sees) - everything's grimy and washed out - matching the film's down and dirty feel.

Unfortunately when you get outside of the sunny Marseilles sequences and into the seedy bars and restaurants of the Big Apple - the Blu Ray picture resembles worn out videotape - it's really awful. Which is such a shame, because as you watch it again - but this time on the big screen - you realize what a blindingly fabulous film "The French Connection" is - and how it deserved so much better than this (which applies to the equally superb sequel too).

In fairness to Fox, the opening credits are squeaky clean - no lines, no scuffs, nothing - no print remains that clean after 38 years, so some restoration has to have been done. Unfortunately when you get to the street action - instead of enhancing the watch - the Blu Ray only makes the deliberately grainy effect look even worse.

Half way through it - I couldn't stand to look at it anymore - I turned it off...

Unless you absolutely must own this, rent it first before wasting your hard-earned on yet another dog on this increasingly frustrating format...

What a disappointment.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

“Tighten Up Volume 2: Deluxe Edition” by VARIOUS ARTISTS (March 2009 Universal/Sanctuary/Trojan CD Set of Remasters) - A Review by Mark Barry...

This review and hundreds more like it can also be found in my 
SOUNDS GOOD Music Book: 1960s and 1970s MUSIC Volume 2 
- Exceptional CD Remasters 
It contains over 210 in-depth reviews (a whopping 2400+ e-Pages) 
And is available to buy/download at Amazon at the following link...

"...No Matter What The People Say…These Sounds Lead The Day…"

Complete with their risqué sleeves – the iconic "Tighten Up" series of vinyl albums on Trojan Records began in Britain in January 1969 and ended 8 volumes later in early 1973 when sales simply fizzled out. Warmly remembered to this day as fantastic party music - these budget-priced LP compilations introduced wonderfully evocative Jamaican Reggae and Ska to British youngsters ravenous for it. Available in every Woolworths up and down the land - these cheap and cheerful compilations were bought up in truckloads. Time to celebrate the nation in irritation and let the h-action begin…

UK Released 16 March 2009 - "Tighten Up Volume 2: Deluxe Edition" by VARIOUS ARTISTS on Universal/Sanctuary/Trojan 1797062 (Barcode 02517970625) is a 2CD set that massively expands the original budget LP. So here are the Long Shots Kicking De Buckets and the Reggae In Your Jeggae (if you know what I'm saying)…

Disc 1 (66:47 minutes):
Tracks 1 to 12 make up the album “Tighten Up Volume 2” issued on Trojan Records TTL 7 in November 1969. Like Volume 1 from January 1969, the 2nd in the series was made up of the label’s hottest singles from the preceding months  – they’re listed below…

1. Long Shot Kick De Bucket – THE PIONEERS - Trojan 672 [A] (August 1969)
2. John Jones – RUDY MILLS - Big Shot BI 509 [A] (January 1969)
3. Fire Corner – KING STITT - Duke DU 30 [A] (June 1969) [lyrics are the title of this review]
4. Wreck A Buddy – THE SOUL SISTERS - Amalgamated AMG-839 [A] (May 1969)
5. Reggae In Your Jeggae – DANDY - Downtown DT-410 [A] (February 1969)
6. Fatty Fatty – CLANCY ECCLES - Trojan TR-658 [A] (May 1969)
7. Return Of Django – THE UPSETTERS - Upsetter US-301 [A] (May 1969)
8. Sufferer – THE KINGSTONIANS - Big Shot BI-508 [A] (January 1969)
9. Moonlight Lover – JOYA LANDIS - Trojan TR-641 [A] (January 1969)
10. Come Into My Parlour – THE BLEECHERS - Upsetter US-314 [A] (July 1969)
11. Them A Laugh And A Kiki – THE SOULMATES - Amalgamated AMG-836 [A] (March 1969)
12. Live Injection – THE UPSETTERS - Upsetter US-313 [A] (August 1969)

13. Jumping The Gun – RICO & THE RUDIES
14. A Place Called Happiness – RUDY MILLS
15. John Public – THE DYNAMITES
17. Reggae Shuffle – THE DREAMERS
18. Last Call (Aka Tribute To Drumbaka) – THE DYNAMITES
19. Dollar In My Teeth – THE UPSETTERS
20. Kiss A Finger – THE KINGSTONIANS
21. Love You True – JOY LANDIS
22. Dry Your Tears – THE MELLOTONES
23. The Hippys Are Here – THE HIPPY BOYS
24. Everything For Fun – THE BLEECHERS
The bonus tracks 13 to 24 are the B-sides of 1 to 12 listed above

Disc 2 (67:13 minutes):
Entitled “The Alternatives!” - Tracks 1 to 24 are all singles released on Trojan’s group of labels between January and August 1969…

1. Put Yourself In My Place – DELRO WILSON - High Note HS-011 [A] (January 1969)
2. Cus Cus – LLOYD ROBINSON - Duke 5 [A] (January 1969)
3. Braking Up – ALTON ELLIS with TOMMY McCOOK & THE SUPERSONICS - Trojan TR-642 [A] (February 1969)
4. Biafra – THE CRYSTALITES - Big Shot BI-510 [A] (February 1969)
5. A-Yuh (You Always Hurt Me) – THE UNIQUES - Trojan TR-645 [A] (February 1969)
6. Rocking Sensation – DELANO STEWART - High Note HS-014 [A] (February 1969)
7. Hang 'Em High – RICHARD ACE - Trojan TR-654 [A] (May 1969)
8. Son Of A Preacher Man – THE GAYLETS - Big Shot BI-516 [A] (March 1969)
9. Frying Pan – THE SLICKERS - Blue Cat BS-154 [A] (March 1969)
10. Mama Look Deh – THE REGGAE BOYS - Amalgamated AMG-835 [A] (March 1969)
11. Another Scorcher – JACKIE BERNARD & THE TENNORS - Big Shot BI-517 [A] (April 1969)
12. You’re My Everything – THE TECHNIQUES - Duke DU 22 [A] (May 1969)
13. Night Doctors – THE UPSETTERS - Upsetter US-307 [A] (May 1969)
14. Woman Capture Man – THE ETHOPIANS - Trojan TR-666 [A] (June 1969)
15. On The Move – COUNT MACHUKI & THE DESTROYERS - Amalgamated AMG-842 [A] (June 1969)
16. Everybody Bawlin’ – THE MELODIANS - Trojan TR-660 [A] (June 1969)
17. 2,000 Tons of TNT – THE GG RHYTHM SECTION - Big Shot BS-165 [A] (June 1969)
18. Ali Baba – JOHN HOLT - Trojan TR-661 [A] (June 1969) (mistakenly credited as Island WI-3158)
19. Seven Letters – DERRICK MORGAN - Jackpot JP-700 [A] (July 1969)
20. Dark End Of The Street – PAT KELLY - Jackpot JP-701 [A] (July 1969)
21. Doctor No Go – THE HIPPY BOYS - High Note HS-021 [A] (August 1969)
22. Get On The Right Track – PHYLLIS DILLON & HOPETON LEWIS - Trojan TR-671 [A] (August 1969)
23. Red Ash – KARL BRYAN with TOMMY McCOOK & THE SUPERSONICS - Trojan TR-673 [A] (August 1969)
24. Liquidator – HARRY J ALL STARS - Trojan TR-675 [A] (August 1969)

NICK BOURNE has coordinated the project for Trojan and Universal  - while the hugely detailed 28-page booklet has an essay by LAURENCE CANE-HONEYSETT on the album and the scene surrounding it. The crammed booklet pictures most of the 7" labels featured alongside rare snaps of the singers and bands. LCH penned the truly fantastic book "Young, Gifted & Black - The Story Of Trojan Records" (see separate review) - so his knowledge goes deep - it's literally track-by-track annotation. The 4-foldout-flaps reproduce adverts and press releases from 1969 - the CDs themselves reflect the original vinyl colouring and there's the now trademark DELUXE EDITION outer plastic wrap - all nice touches.

Again the set is mastered by TIM DEBNEY and the results are fabulous one moment, woeful the next. This is 60's Reggae and it was recorded in Auntie Flo's outside loo - so audiophile is not order of the day here. Although I would quickly add that to my ears - the improvement of sound quality is 'immense' all round - far better that the 2002 set that I've been living with these last few years. That alone is worth it for me...

But then there’s also the clever track choices made – I’ve loved hearing the B-sides again – in fact they’re often better than the A. The instrumental “Last Call” (aka “Tribute To Drumbago”) is typical – a fabulous trumpet led Ska shuffle that’s as infectious as a fit of the giggles. Disc 2 is simply a wad more of the same – I’ll be discovering tracks on this for years to come. Love it – love it – love it. Another triumph is this increasingly superb series…

Monday, 16 March 2009

PROBE RECORDS - LP DISCOGRAPHY - 1969 to 1974 (UK Releases)

PROBE RECORDS - LP DISCOGRAPHY - 1969 to 1974 (UK Releases)
(They were on ABC/Dunhill Records in the USA)
Compiled June 2008 – March 2009 by MARK BARRY - Posted March 2009

The 1st list is in NUMERICAL order; the 2nd in ARTIST NAME order. SPB in the catalogue number is always a single sleeve, SPBA a Gatefold. Those albums I've been unable to find - despite extensive searches - are listed as NOT YET TRACED – most are probably unreleased.
The release dates are from EMI NUMERICAL CATALOGUES of the day.


1. SPB 1001 – The Mystic Number National Bank by THE MYSTIC NUMBER NATIONAL BANK (November 1969)
2. SPB 1002 – The Soft Machine, Volume 2 by SOFT MACHINE (November 1969)
3. SPB 1003 – The Love Song Of A. Wilbur Meshel by BILLY MESHEL (November 1969)
4. SPB 1004 – Emerge by THE LITTER (February 1970)
5. SPB 1005 – Over The Hills/The Bastich by SAINT STEVEN
[aka ST. STEVEN] (February 1970)
6. SPB 1006 – Zephyr by ZEPHYR [feat Tommy Bolin] (May 1970)
7. SPB 1007 – Here To There by FRUMMOX (June 1970)
8. SPB 1008 – Reincarnation by FAT CITY (June 1970)
9. SPB 1009 – The Seven Deadly Sins by PLUS (August 1970)
10. SPB 1010 - White Hot Soul by DICK JENSEN (December 1970)
12. SPB 1012 – Bush by BUSH (November 1970)
13. SPB 1013/14 (2LP set)
A Gathering Of Flowers: The Anthology of... by THE MAMA’S & THE PAPA’S (November 1970)
14. SPB 1015 - Love Country Style by RAY CHARLES (November 1970)
15. SPB 1016 – If You Miss ‘Im…I Got ‘Im by JOHN LEE HOOKER and EARL HOOKER (December 1970)
16. SPB 1017 – The Song Of Norway O.S.T. by ANDREW L. STONE (January 1971)
18. SPB 1019 – Deaf Dumb Blind by PHARAOH SANDERS (April 1971)
(Re-issue mid 70’s as “Summun Bukmun Umyun”)
19. SPB 1020 – Mama’s Big Ones – Mama Cass: Her Greatest Hits by MAMA CASS (ELLIOTT) (February 1971)
20. SPB 1021 – We Can Make Music by TOMMY ROE (February 1971)
21. SPB 1022 – A Time To Remember – ARTIE KORNFELD TREE (March 1971)
23. SPB 1024 – Gulf Coast Bound by BLUES MAGOOS (March 1971)
24. SPB 1025 - Afro Blue by JOHN COLTRANE (April 1971)
25. SPB 1026 – Zachariah O.S.T. by SOUNDTRACK by VARIOUS ARTISTS (March 1971)
26. SPB 1027 – The Last Valley O.S.T. by JOHN BARRY (May 1971)
28. SPB 1029 – Watcha Gonna Do by DENNY DOHERTY [of Mama’s & Papa’s] (April 1971)
29. SPB 1030 – Daniel Moore by DANIEL MOORE (May 1971)
30. SPB 1031 - Handbags & Gladrags by JIMMY WITHERSPOON (May 1971)
31. SPB 1032 - Live In Cook County Jail by B.B. KING (June 1971)
32. SPB 1033 – Steppenwolf Gold – Their Great Hits by STEPPENWOLF (June 1971)
33. SPB 1034 - Endless Boogie by JOHN LEE HOOKER (June 1971)
(featuring Steve Miller, Jesse Davis and others)
34. SPB 1035 – Golden Biscuits by THREE DOG NIGHT (June 1971)
(called “Golden Bisquits” in the USA, it’s a 7” singles compilation)
36. SPB 1037 – The Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra by CHARLIE HADEN (June 1971) (Jazz Arrangements by CARLA BLEY)
37. SPB 1038 - Thirds by THE JAMES GANG [feat Joe Walsh] (July 1971)
38. SPB 1039 - Volcanic Action Of My Soul by RAY CHARLES (July 1971)
39. SPB 1040 – Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds by HAMILTON, JOE FRANKS & REYNOLDS (October 1971)
(Dan Hamilton, Joe Frank Carollo & Tommy Reynolds)
40. SPB 1041 - In London by B.B. KING (November 1971)
41. SPB 1042 - Find The Sun by CROWFOOT (November 1971)
43. SPB 1044 – Best Of The Tams by THE TAMS (December 1971)
44. SPB 1045 - Live In Concert by THE JAMES GANG (December 1971)
45. SPB 1046 – Beginnings by TOMMY ROE (December 1971)
46. SPB 1047 - Harmony by THREE DOG NIGHT (December 1971)
47. SPB 1048 - People Like Us by THE MAMAS & THE PAPAS (December 1971)
49. SPB 1050 - Hallway Symphony by HAMILTON, JOE FRANK & REYNOLDS (April 1972)
50. SPB 1051 - L.A. Midnight by B.B. KING (April 1972)
51. SPB 1052 - Cabaret O.S.T. feat LIZA MINNELLI/JOHN KANDER (May 1972)
52. SPB 1053 - Sunshower by THELMA HOUSTON
(re-issue of her 1969 LP on Stateside SSL 5010 - also called “Sunshower”) (June 1972)
53. SPB 1054 – Forgotten Songs & Unsung Heroes by JOHN KAY [of STEPPENWOLF] (July 1972)
54. SPB 1055 - Applause by ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST [feat LAUREN BACALL] (September 1972)
55. SPB 1056 - Straight Shooter by THE JAMES GANG (July 1972)
56. SPB 1057 - Never Get Out Of These Blues Alive by JOHN LEE HOOKER
(Featuring Van Morrison) (August 1972)
57. SPB 1058 – Move Along by THE GRASS ROOTS (aka GRASSROOTS) (August 1972)
58. SPB 1059 – Rest In Peace by STEPPENWOLF [Compilation, 1967 to 1970] (August 1972)
59. SPB 1060 - A Message From The People by RAY CHARLES (September 1972)
60. SPB 1061 – Soul Bible Chapter One by VARIOUS ARTISTS (October 1972)
61. SPB 1062 – Can’t Buy A Thrill by STEELY DAN (January 1973, USA Sept/72)
62. SPB 1063 - Guess Who by B.B. KING (October 1972)
63. SPB 1064 – Keeper Of The Castle by THE FOUR TOPS (November 1972)
64. SPB 1065 - Passin’ Thru by THE JAMES GANG (January 1973)
65. SPB 1066 - Through The Eyes Of Love by RAY CHARLES (February 1973)
66. SPB 1067 – Nolan by NOLAN PORTER (February 1973)
67. SPB 1068 - Reunion by JOHN HENRY KURTZ (February 1973)
68. SPB 1069 – B.B. King’s Greatest Hits OR The Best Of B.B. King by B.B. KING (April 1973)
69. SPB 1070 – The Best of The James Gang featuring Joe Walsh (April 1973)
70. SPB 1071 – Sixteen Greatest Hits by STEPPENWOLF (April 1973)
71. SPB 1072 - Two Sides Of “Crash” by BILLY “CRASH” CRADDOCK (April 1973)
72. SPB 1073 – True, True Lovin’ by FERLIN HUSKY (April 1973)
73. SPB 1074 – Thomas Jefferson Kaye by THOMAS JEFFERSON KAYE
(Featuring Becker & Fagen of Steely Dan with Rick Derringer, July 1973)
74. SPB 1075 - His Greatest Performances by RICHARD HARRIS (August 1973)
75. SPB 1076 - Looking For A Smile by GLADSTONE (August 1973)
76. SPB 1077 – Shaft In Africa O.S.T. by THE FOUR TOPS (October 1973)
77. SPB 1078 – A White Sport Coat & A Pink Crustacean by JIMMY BUFFETT (November 1973)
78. SPB 1079 – Countdown To Ecstasy by STEELY DAN (September 1973)
82. SPB 1083 - To Know You Is To Love You by B.B. KING (December 1973)
83. SPB 1084 - Through All Times by CHUCK JACKSON (January 1974)
85. SPB 1086 – Out Here On My Own by LAMONT DOZIER (May 1974)
86. SPB 1087 - John Verity Band by JOHN VERITY BAND (March 1974)
87. SPB 1088 – His California Album by BOBBY ‘BLUE’ BLAND (May 1974)

1. SPBA 6251 - It Ain’t Easy by THREE DOG NIGHT (October 1970)
2. SPBA 6252 – Freedom by FREEDOM (October 1970)
3. SPBA 6253 – James Gang Rides Again by JAMES GANG [feat Joe Walsh] (October 1970)
4. SPBA 6254 - Steppenwolf 7 by STEPPENWOLF (October 1970)
5. SPBA 6255 - Indianola Mississippi Seeds by BB. KING (October 1970)
6. SPBA 6256 – Emitt Rhodes by EMITT RHODES (February 1971)
7. SPBA 6257 – Naturally by THREE DOG NIGHT (March 1971)
8. SPBA 6258 – Lancelot Link & The Evolution-Revolution By LANCELOT LINK and the EVOLUTION-REVOLUTION (February 1971)
9. SPBA 6259 - Dave Mason & Cass Elliott by DAVE MASON/CASS ELLIOTT (May 1971)
10. SPBA 6260 - For Ladies Only by STEPPENWOLF (November 1971)
11. SPBA 6261 – Gayle McCormick by GAYLE McCORMICK (January 1972)
12. SPBA 6262 – Mirror by EMITT RHODES (December 1971)
13. SPBA 6263 – My Boy by RICHARD HARRIS (February 1972)
14. SPBA 6264 – Gladstone by GLADSTONE (July 1972)
15. SPBA 6265 - Bags & Things by DENNIS LAMBERT (August 1972)
16. SPBA 6266 – Farewell To Paradise by EMITT RHODES (November 1972)
17. SPBA 6267 – Birtha by BIRTHA (October 1972)
18. SPBA 6268 – Barnstorm by JOE WALSH (November 1972)
19. SPBA 6269 - Slides by RICHARD HARRIS (March 1973)
20. SPBA 6270 – A Song Or Two by CASHMAN & WEST [Terry Cashman & Tommy West] (February 1973)
22. SPBA 6272 - Can’t Stop The Madness by BIRTHA (June 1973)
23. SPBA 6273 – A Song For Every Mood by WILLIAM SAINT JAMES (July ‘73)
24. SPBA 6274 – My Sportin’ Life by JOHN KAY of STEPPENWOLF (July 1973)
25. SPBA 6275 – The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get by JOE WALSH (August 73)
26. SPBA 6276 – Moondog Serenade by CASHMAN & WEST (September 1973)
(feats JEFF “SKUNK” BAXTER of STEELY DAN & Jimmie Haskell]
27. SPBA 6277 – Main Street People by THE FOUR TOPS (November 1973)
28. SPBA 6278 - Cyan by THREE DOG NIGHT (December 1973)
32. SPBA 6282 – Pretzel Logic by STEELY DAN (February 1974)
33. SPBA 6283 – Meeting Of The Minds by THE FOUR TOPS (July 1974)

GTSP series were all specially priced 2LP sets

1. GTSP 200 - 20 Golden Hits by THE MAMAS & PAPAS (May 1973)
2. GTSP 201 – His Early Years With The Impressions by
3. GTSP 202 – Moods Of Love by RAY CHARLES SINGERS (June 1973)
4. GTSP 203 – From Broadway To Paris by
5. GTSP 204 – Soft Machine Volume 1 & 2 by SOFT MACHINE
(2LP re-Issue of their 1st and 2nd albums from 1968 and 1969
Volume One never received an original UK release – it was US-only) (June 1973)
6. GTSP 205 - Twenty Incredible Performances by FRANKIE LAINE (May 1974)

(PBSP series were all specially priced 2LP sets)
7. PBSP 108 – All Time Great Country & Western Hits by RAY CHARLES
[Re-Issue of 1960’s Tracks]
12. PBSP 113 – Around The World With Three Dog Night by THREE DOG NIGHT (2LP Live Set) (May 1973)
13. PBSP 114 – Two Gentlemen Of Verona – A Grand New Musical
Original Broadway Cast with GALT MacDERMOTT (June 1973)

14. SPSS 1 – Handle With Care by VARIOUS ARTISTS
(A budget-priced label sampler - featured groups are: Steppenwolf, Freedom, Bush, James Gang, B.B. King & Three Dog Night - 2 tracks each) (October 1970)

15. SPTC 1 – Seven Separate Fools by THREE DOG NIGHT
(Single LP with Specialist Packaging; It had an Envelope Sleeve, An Inner Sleeve & 7 Separate Insert Cards) (October 1972)

16. MFP 50046 – Spirit Of Rock – The Probe Family Sampler
(Probe/MFP Budget Label Compilation)

(SPB is a single sleeve, SPBA is a gatefold)

1. LAUREN BACALL – see Applause (Original Broadway Cast) (1972, Probe SPB 1055)
JOHN BARRY – see Original Soundtrack
2. COUNT BASIE and BENNY GOODMAN – From Broadway To Paris (2LP set, 1973, Probe GTSP 203)
3. BIRTHA - Birtha (1972, Probe SPBA 6267)
4. BIRTHA – Can’t Stop The Madness (June 1973, Probe SPBA 6272)
5. BOBBY ‘BLUE’ BLAND - His California Album (October 1973, Probe SPB 1088)
6. BLUES MAGOOS – Gulf Coast Bound (1970, Probe SPB 1024)
7. JIMMY BUFFETT – A White Sport Coat & A Pink Crustacean (1973, Probe SPB 1078)
8. BUSH – Bush (1970, Probe SPB 1012)
9. CASHMAN & WEST - A Song Or Two (October 1972, Probe SPBA 6270)
10. CASHMAN & WEST - Moondog Serenade (1973, Probe SPBA 6276)
11. RAY CHARLES – A Message From The People (Sept 1972, Probe SPB 1060)
12. RAY CHARLES – All The Country & Western Hits (1971, Probe PBSP 108)
13. RAY CHARLES – Love Country Style (1970, Probe SPB 1015)
14. RAY CHARLES - Through The Eyes Of Love (Feb 1973, Probe SPB 1066)
15. RAY CHARLES - Volcanic Action Of My Soul (1971, Probe SPB 1039)
16. RAY CHARLES SINGERS - Moods Of Love (2LP set, 1973, Probe GTSP 202)
17. JOHN COLTRANE - Afro-Blue (1972, Probe SPB 1025) (1960s Recordings)
18. BILLY ‘CRASH’ CRADDOCK - Two Sides Of Crash (1973, Probe SPB 1072)
19. CROWFOOT – Find The Sun (1971, Probe SPB 1042)
20. LAMONT DOZIER - Out Here On My Own (1973, Probe SPB 1086)
21. MAMA CASS [ELLIOTT] – Mama’s Big Ones (1971, Probe SPB 1020)
22. FAT CITY – Reincarnation (1969, Probe SPB 1008)
23. FOUR TOPS - Keeper Of The Castle (1973, Probe SPB 1064)
24. FOUR TOPS - Main Street People (1973, Probe SPBA 6277)
25. FOUR TOPS - Meeting Of The Minds (1974, Probe SPBA 6283)
26. FOUR TOPS - Shaft In Africa O.S.T. (1973, Probe SPB 1077)
27. FREEDOM – Freedom (1970, Probe SPBA 6252)
28. FRUMMOX – Here To Be There (1969, Probe SPB 1007)
29. GLADSTONE - Looking For A Smile (1973, Probe SPB 1076)
30. GLADSTONE – Gladstone (aka “From Down Home In Tyler Texas”) (1972, Probe SPBA 6264)
31. THE GRASS ROOTS [aka GRASSROOTS] - Move Along (1972, Probe SPB 1058)
32. CHARLIE HADEN [Arrangements by CARLA BLEY] Liberation Music Orchestra (1971, Probe SPB 1037)
33. HAMILTON FRANK REYNOLDS – Hallway Symphony (1972, Probe SPB 1050)
34. HAMILTON, JOE FRANKS & REYNOLDS – Hamilton, Joe Franks… (1971, Probe SPB 1040)
35. RICHARD HARRIS - His Greatest Performances (1973, Probe SPB 1075)
36. RICHARD HARRIS – My Boy (1972, Probe SPBA 6263)
37. RICHARD HARRIS – Slides (1973, Probe SPBA 6269)
38. JOHN LEE HOOKER Endless Boogie (1971, Probe SPB 1034)
39. JOHN LEE HOOKER with EARL HOOKER If You Miss ‘Im…I Got ‘Im (1971, Probe SPB 1016)
40. JOHN LEE HOOKER Never Get Out Of These Blues Alive (1972, Probe SPB 1057)
41. THELMA HOUSTON – Sunflower (1972, Probe SPB 1053)
42. FERLIN HUSKY – True True Love (1973, Probe SPB 1073)
43. CHUCK JACKSON – Through All Times (1973, Probe SPB 1084)
44. THE JAMES GANG – The Best Of The James Gang featuring Joe Walsh (April 1973, Probe SPB 1070)
45. THE JAMES GANG – Live In Concert (1971, Probe SPB 1045)
46. THE JAMES GANG – Passin’ Through (1972, Probe SPB 1065)
47. THE JAMES GANG - Rides Again (1970, Probe SPBA 6253)
48. THE JAMES GANG – Straight Shooter (1972, Probe SPB 1056)
49. THE JAMES GANG - Thirds (1971, Probe SPB 1038)
50. DICK JENSEN – White Hot Soul (1969, Probe SPB 1010)
51. JOHN KAY [of STEPPENWOLF] – Forgotten Songs & Unsung Heroes (1972, Probe SPB 1054)
52. JOHN KAY [of STEPPENWOLF] – My Sportin’ Life (1973, Probe SPBA 6274)
53. THOMAS JEFFERSON KAYE – Thomas Jefferson Kaye
(features members of Steely Dan, 1973, Probe SPB 1074)
54. B.B. KING – The Best Of (1973, Probe SPB 1069)
55. B.B. KING – Guess Who (1972, Probe SPB 1063)
56. B.B. KING – Indianola Mississippi Seeds ((1970, Probe SPBA 6255)
57. B.B. KING – In London (1971, Probe SPB 1041)
58. B.B. KING – L.A. Midnight (April 1972, Probe SPB 1051)
59. B.B. KING – Live In Cook County Jail (1971, Probe SPB 1032)
60. B.B. KING – To Know You Is To Love You (1973, Probe SPB 1083)
61. ARTIE KORNFELD’S TREE – A Time To Remember (1970, Probe SPB 1022)
62. FRANKIE LAINE – Twenty Incredible Performances (2LP set, 1973, Probe GTSP 205)
64. THE LITTER – Emerge (1969, Probe SPB 1004)
65. THE MAMAS & THE PAPAS – A Gathering of Flowers – Anthology (1970, 2LP set, Probe SPB 1013/14)
66. THE MAMAS & THE PAPAS – People Like Us (1971, Probe SPB 1048)
67. THE MAMAS & THE PAPAS – 20 Golden Hits (1972, 2LPs, Probe GTSP 200)
68. DAVE MASON and CASS ELLIOTT – Dave Mason & Cass Elliott (1971, Probe SPBA 6259)
69. CURTIS MAYFIELD/IMPRESSIONS – Early Years With The Impressions (1973, 2LP set, Probe GTSP 201)
70. GAYLE McCORMICK – Gayle McCormick (1972, Probe SPBA 6261)
71. GALT McDERMOTT – see Two Gentlemen Of Verona – A Grand New Musical (1972, 2LP set, Probe PBSP 114)
72. BILLY MESHEL – The Love Song Of A. Wilber Meshel (1969, Probe SPB 1003)
73. THE MYSTIC NUMBER NATIONAL BANK – The Mystic Number National bank (1969, Probe SPB 1001)
ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST – see Two Gentlemen Of Verna
74. ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK – Cabaret [Liza Minnelli/John Kander] (1972, Probe SPB 1052)
75. ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK – The Last Valley [John Barry] (1971, Probe SPB 1027)
76. ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK – The Song Of Norway [Andrew L. Stone] (1970, Probe SPB 1017)
77. ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK – Zachariah [Various Artists] (1971, Probe SPB 1026)
78. PLUS – Seven Deadly Sins (1970, Probe SPB 1009)
79. EMITT RHODES – Emitt Rhodes (1971, Probe SPBA 6256)
80. EMITT RHODES – Farewell To Paradise (1973, Probe SPBA 6266)
81. EMITT RHODES – Mirror (1972, Probe SPBA 6262)
82. TOMMY ROE – We Can Make Music (1971, Probe SPB 1021)
83. WILLIAM SAINT JAMES – A Song For Every Mood (1973, Probe SPBA 6273)
84. PHARAOH SANDERS – Deaf Dumb Blind (1971, Probe SPB 1019)
85. SOFT MACHINE – Soft Machine Volume Two (1969, Probe SPB 1002)
86. SOFT MACHINE – Soft Machine & Soft Machine Volume Two (1973, UK 2LP Re-Issue of 1st & 2nd Albums (‘68/’69), Probe GTSP 204)
87. STEELY DAN – Can’t Buy A Thrill (January 1973, Probe SPB 1062)
88. STEELY DAN – Countdown To Ecstasy (September 1973, Probe SPB 1079)
89. STEELY DAN – Pretzel Logic (February 1974, Probe SPBA 6282)
90. STEPPENWOLF – For Ladies Only (November 1972, Probe SPBA 6260)
91. STEPPENWOLF – Steppenwolf 7 (1970, Probe SPBA 6254)
92. STEPPENWOLF – Steppenwolf Gold–Their Great Hits (July 1971, Probe SPB 1033)
93. THE TAMS – Best Of (1971, Probe SPB 1044)
94. THREE DOG NGHT – Around The World With Three Dog Night (2LP live set, April 1973, Probe PBSP 113)
95. THREE DOG NIGHT – Cyan (1973, Probe SPBA 6278)
96. THREE DOG NIGHT – Golden Biscuits (June 1971, Probe SPB 1035)
97. THREE DOG NIGHT – Harmony (1971, Probe SPB 1047)
98. THREE DOG NIGHT – It Ain’t Easy (1970, Probe SPBA 6251)
99. THREE DOG NIGHT – Naturally (1971, Probe SPBA 6257)
100. THREE DOG NIGHT – Seven Separate Fools (1972, Probe SPTC 1)
101. VARIOUS ARTISTS – Handle With Care (Probe Label Sampler) (1970, Probe SPSS 1)
102. VARIOUS ARTISTS – Spirit Of Rock – The Probe Family Sampler (1972, Probe/MFP 50046)
103. JOHN VERITY BAND – John Verity Band (1973, Probe SPB 1087)
104. JOE WALSH - Barnstorm (November 1972, Probe SPBA 6268)
105. JOE WALSH - The Smoker You Drink…The Player You Get (August 1973, Probe SPBA 6275)
106. JIMMY WITHERSPOON – Handbags & Gladrags (1971, Probe SPB 1031)
107. ZEPHYR [feat Tommy Bolin] – Zephyr (1970, Probe SPB 1006)

ISLAND RECORDS UK 7” SINGLES DISCOGRAPHY for 1970 - THE "WIP" SERIES – Catalogue Numbers 6075 to 6097.

WIP SERIES – Catalogue Numbers 6075 to 6097
(Includes Chrysalis Label Material Distributed by Island)
This list posted Thursday, 11 September 2008


1. Island WIP 6075
A-side: Notting Hill Gate
B-side: Move Into The Light
Release Date: January 1970
Label: Pink Label Design With No Centre & Black Island Logo in a Pink Island Label Bag
Details: The A is a different mix to the album version on “In Blissful Company”
The B-side is a non-album track
CD availability: both tracks are extras on the Repertoire CD “In Blissful Company”

2. Island WIP 6076
A-side: John The Baptist
B-side: The Ocean
Release Date: January 1970
Label: Pink ‘I’ Label Design in a Pink Island Label Bag
Details: No UK Picture Sleeve, But There Are European Picture Sleeves
Both tracks off the “Stormbringer!” LP
CD availability: on the Island/Universal CD remaster “Stormbringer!”

3. Chrysalis WIP 6077
A-side: The Witch’s Promise
B-side: Teacher
Release Date: 16 January 1970
Label: Chrysalis ‘Green’ Label Design with Chrysalis Name & Butterfly Logo at the Bottom with White Island ‘I’ Logo at the Top.
Details: Usually came in a Green Chrysalis Label Bag
Some Copies Came In A UK Picture Sleeve, But They Are Rare
Both tracks were non-album on release, later appeared on the 2LP set from 1972 called “Living In The Past”
CD availability: both tracks are extras on the CD remaster of “Benefit”

4. Chrysalis WIP 6078
Artist: BLODWYN PIG [features Mick Abrahams, ex Jethro Tull]
A-side: Same Old Story
B-side: Slow Down
Release Date: January 1970
Label: Chrysalis ‘Green’ Label Design In Green Chrysalis Label Bag
No UK Picture Sleeve, But There Are European Ones,
Details: Both Tracks are Non-Album in the UK.
“Slow Down” is a cover version of a Larry Williams song.
CD availability: both tracks are on the Island/Universal CD remaster of “Ahead Rings Out”

5. Island WIP 6079
A-side: The Island
B-side: The Sea
Release Date: January 1970
Label: Pink “I’ Label Design in a Pink Label Bag
No UK Picture Sleeve, But There Are European Picture Sleeves
Details: The A is an edit of an album track on “Renaissance”, their December 1969 LP; the B is non-album
CD availability: both tracks are extras on the Repertoire CD “Renaissance”

6. Island WIP 6080
A-side: Cat Food
B-side: Groon
Release Date: 13 March 1970
Label: Pink “I’ Label Design in Rare Picture Sleeve
Details: The A is an edited version of a track from “In The Wake Of Poseidon”; the B is non-album
CD availability: both the edit and it’s unreleased B-side are on the “Strangely Strange – But Oddly Normal – An Island Anthology 1967-1972” 3CD Box Set from 2005

7. Chrysalis WIP 6081
A-side: Inside
B-side: Alive And Well And Living In
Release Date: 24 April 1970
Label: Chrysalis ‘Green’ Label Design with Chrysalis Name & Butterfly Logo at the Bottom with White Island ‘I’ Logo at the Top. No UK Picture Sleeve, But There Are Several European Picture Sleeves
Details: Both tracks taken from the Chrysalis LP “Benefit”
CD availability: both tracks on the remastered “Benefit” CD remaster

8. Island WIP 6082
Artist: FREE
A-side: All Right Now
B-side: Mouthful Of Grass
Release Date: May 1970
Label: Pink ‘I’ Label Design in a Pink Label Bag
No UK Picture Sleeves, But There Are Many European Versions
Details: The single preceded the 26 June 1970 album release of “Fire And Water” and is an Edit Version at 4:16 minutes; the full album version is 5:42 minutes.
The lovely instrumental B-side “Mouthful Of Grass” is on their 2nd album “Free” from October 1969; later issues of “All Right Now” have different B-sides
CD availability: the A is on the 2000 “Fire And Rain” CD remaster and the 2008 2CD DELUXE EDITION, while the B is on the “Free” CD remaster from 2000

9. Island WIP 6083
Artist: IF
A-side: Raise The Level Of Your Conscious Mind
B-side: I’m Reaching Out On All Sides
Release Date: May 1970
Label: Pink “I’ Label Design in a Pink Label Bag; No UK Picture Sleeve,
But There Are European Picture Sleeves
Details: Both tracks are on their debut LP “If”, but both versions here are single mixes and different to the LP takes
CD availability: both 7” versions are extras on the Repertoire CD “If Volume 1”

10. Island WIP 6084 (WITHDRAWN)
A-side: Nobody There At All by SPOOKY TOOTH
B-side: Room With A View by ART
Release Date: June 1970 - Withdrawn
Label: White Labels Only on 7” single - Very Rare
Details: the A is on “The Last Puff” LP released 3 July 1970 on Island ILPS 9117;
The B is on the “Supernatural Fairy Tales” LP released in 1968 on Island ILPS 967
CD availability: the A side is available on the Repertoire CD re-issue of “The Last Poof” from 2005, while the B is unavailable on Drop Out CD re-issue from 1998 of “Supernatural Fairy Tales”

11. Island WIP 6085
Artist: FOTHERINGAY [featuring Sandy Denny]
A-side: Peace In The End
B-side: Winter Winds
Release Date: June 1970
Label: Large Pink “I” Label Design with no centre in Pink Label Bag
Details: Both tracks are on “Fotheringay” – their lone album from June 1970
CD availability: both tracks are on the Hannibal label CD “Fotheringay”

12. Island WIP 6086
A-side: Lady D’Arbanville
B-sides: 1. Time 2. Fill My Eyes (2-track B-side Maxi Single)
Release date: June 1970
Label: Large Pink ‘I’ Label Design, Most Copies In Pink Label bag
But There Is A Rare UK Picture Sleeve (mistakenly credits "Katmandu" as the B-side)
Details: All tracks taken from his 1970 Island Records debut album “Mona Bone Jakon”. The A-side is about Patti D’Arbanville whom he had a relationship with.
CD availability: all three tracks are on the Universal/Island remaster CD of “Mona Bone Jakon”.

13. Island WIP 6087
A-side: Wild World
B-side: Be Aware
Release Date: August 1970
Label: Large Pink “I” Label Design in a Pink Label Bag
No UK Picture Sleeve (re-issued in 1976 in Pic Slv)
Details: “Wild World” is a CAT STEVENS cover and CAT STEVENS also PRODUCES this version.
It was re-issued as an EP in a picture sleeve in 1977 (Island IEP 9)
CD availability: both tracks are available on Disc 2 of the superlative HIP-O SELECT book set “Better Days Are Coming – The A&M Years 1969-1971”, a 4CD set out of the USA in 2005 (mastered by GAVIN LURSSEN)

14. Island WIP 6088
A-side: Dancing In The Moonlight
B-side: Percy’s On The Run
Release Date: August 1970
Label: Pink “I” Label Design in a Pink Label Bag,
Details: both A&B are non-album tracks, the A–side was covered and made a hit by TOPLOADER in 2000
CD availability: neither track is available on CD at present

15. Island WIP 6089
Artist: FAIRPORT CONVENTION [feat Richard Thompson/Sandy Denny]
A-side: Now Be Thankful
B-side: Sir B. McKenzie’s Daughter’s Lament For The 77th Mounted Lancers From The Straits Of Loch Knombe, In The Year Of Our Lord 1727, On The Occasion Of The Announcement Of Her Marriage To The Laird Of Kinleakie
Release Date: September 1970
Label: Large Pink “I” Label Design in a Pink Label Bag
Details: this is the last PINK label release on 7” in the UK; the B-side is non-album track and was their attempt to get into the Guinness Book Of Records for the longest song title!
CD availability: both tracks are available as extras on the Island/Universal CD “Full House”

16. Chrysalis WIP 6090
Artist: TIR NA NOG [Gaelic for "Land Of The Young"]
A-side: I’m Happy To Be (On This Mountain)
B-side: Let My Love Grow
Release Date: October 1970
Label: Chrysalis Green Label Design; there are European Titled Sleeves of this rare release
Details: Both tracks are non-album
CD availability: "Tir na nOg" 2012 Esoteric Recording CD Remaster [both bonus tracks]

17. Island WIP 6091
A-side: Pyramid
B-side: Crash Landing
Release Date: October 1970
Label: Pink Rim Palm-Tree Label Design
There is no UK Picture Sleeve But there is a European Titled Slv
Details: both tracks are from the “Listen” album on Island ILPS 9131
CD availability: initially available on a 1993 Edsel CD (UK reissue label) combining both of his Island label albums “Listen” from 1970 (which has both the A&B above) and his follow up LP “Stretching Out” from 1971 on ILPS 9163.
However, the CD has long been deleted and is expensive second-hand - neither track is available on any other CD at present

18. Island WIP 6092 (released 1971 – see Details)
A-side: Moon Shadow
B-side: Father And Son
Release Date: Released in June 1971 (see below)
Label: Pink-Rim Palm-Tree Label Design (and not the Pink Island label)
Details: Some detailed explanation is needed with this one in order to clear up some confusion. Some discographies have listed 6092 as released in September 1970, which numerically makes senses, but release-wise it doesn’t. “Moonshadow” is off the “Teaser & The Firecat” LP, which was released in the UK in September 1971. “Tea For A Tillerman”, the album that preceded it was released in the UK in November 1970 – so releasing a track off an album in September 1970 before either LP is issued simply doesn’t make sense. “Moonshadow” was NOT RELEASED IN SEPTEMBER 1970 but in late June 1971. The confusion over label variation may lie with European issues. Many of them sported picture sleeves, which the UK issues didn’t, but more importantly, all of them had the famous ALL PINK LABEL with the ‘I’ logo design. However, while that label variant finished in the UK in mid 1970, it continued in Europe well into 1971. The Guinness Book Of British Hit Singles prides itself on the 100% accuracy of its details and lists “Moon Shadow” as peaking in the UK charts in August 1971, which is CORRECT. (Also of note is that the single credits the song as two words "Moon Shadow", but when it turned up on the September 1971 album it was shortened to one word - also the copyright date on the 7" is miss-credited as 1970 when it should read 1971).
CD availability: the A-side is on the 2000 remaster of “Teaser & The Firecat” while the B-side is on the 2000 remaster of “Tea For A Tillerman”

19. Island WIP 6093
Artist: FREE
A-side: The Stealer
B-side: Lying In The Sunshine
Release Date: November 1970
Label: Pink Rim Palm-Tree Label Design in a Pink Label Bag
Details: The A is a different mix to the album version on “Highway”; the B is off their second album “Free” from 1969.
CD availability: the A-side is on the 2000 remaster of “Highway” as an extra track; the B-side is on the 2000 remaster of “Free”

20. Island WIP 6094

21. Island WIP 6095

22. Island WIP 6096
Artist: BRONCO
A-side: Lazy Now
B-side: Matter Of Perspective
Release Date: November 1970
Label: Pink-Rim Palm-Tree label Design in Pink Label Bag
Details: both tracks are non-album
CD availability: neither track is available on CD at present

23. Island WIP 6097
A-side: Synthetic World
B-side: I Go To Pieces
Release Date: December 1970
Label: Pink-Rim Palm-Tree Label Design in Label Bag
Details: LAST Island 7” in 1970, both tracks were non-album on release
CD availability: both tracks are on the HIP-O SELECT 2006 USA CD “Goodbye Yesterday” in top quality remastered form

WIP 6098 (Unissued)
WIP 6099 (Unissued)


1. ART (see SPOOKY TOOTH, Split Single)
2. BLODWYN PIG – Same Old Story (Chrysalis WIP 6078)
3. THE ALAN BOWN – Pyramid (Island WIP 6091)
4. BRONCO – Lazy Now (Island WIP 6096)
5. JIMMY CLIFF – Synthetic World (Island WIP 6097)
6. JIMMY CLIFF – Wild World (Island WIP 6087)
7. FAIRPORT CONVENTION – Now Be Thankful (Island WIP 6089)
8. FOTHERINGAY – Peace In The End (Island WIP 6085)
9. FREE – All Right Now (Island WIP 6082)
10. FREE – The Stealer (Island WIP 6093)
11. HIGH BROOM – Dancing in The Moonlight (Island WIP 6088)
12. IF – Raise The Level Of Your Conscious Mind (Island WIP 6083)
13. JETHRO TULL – Inside (Chrysalis WIP 6081)
14. JETHRO TULL – The Witch’s Promise (Chrysalis WIP 6077)
15. KING CRIMSON – Cat Food (Island WIP 6080)
16. JOHN and BEVERLEY MARTYN – John The Baptist (Island WIP 6076)
17. QUINTESSENCE – Notting Hill Gate (Island WIP 6075)
18. RENAISSANCE – The Island (Island WIP 6079)
19. SPOOKY TOOTH and ART– Nobody There At All and Room With A View
(Island WIP 6084 – WITHDRAWN – White Labels Exist)
20. CAT STEVENS – Lady D’Arbanville (Island WIP 6086)
21. CAT STEVENS – Moonshadow (charted August 1971) (Island WIP 6092)
22. TIR na N’OG – I’m Happy To Be (On This Mountain) (Chrysalis WIP 6090)


The Album Cover Above
It's Ultra-Rare Poster Below

  1. The Who Sell Out - THE WHO (1967 on Track, Sticker On Sleeve & Rare Poster)
  2. The Beatles - THE BEATLES (The White Album) (1968 on Apple, 2LP Set (Mono & Stereo) with 4 Photos and Lyrics Poster)
  3. Moby Grape - MOBY GRAPE (US 1967 Original on Columbia + Poster)
  4. Let It Bleed - THE ROLLING STONES (1969 on Decca, Mono or Stereo, Stickered Slv + Rare Poster)
  5. This Is Touch - THE TOUCH (1969 on Deram)
  6. Cricklewood Green - TEN YEARS AFTER (1969 on Deram)
  7. The Least We Can Do Is Wave To Each Other – VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR (1970 on Charisma)
  8. Ma Kelly’s Greasy Spoon - STATUS QUO (1970 on Pye)
  9. Fly – YOKO ONO (1971 2LP Set on Apple)
  10. H.M.S. Donovan - DONOVAN (1971 2LP set on Dawn Records with Poster)
  11. Imagine - JOHN LENNON (1971 on Apple, Inner Slv, Poster & A Postcard)
  12. A Nod’s As Good As A Wink…To A Blind Horse - FACES  (UK 1971 Green Label Warner Brothers, with Rare Poster UK and USA – Note: US LP original credits the title as “A Nod Is As Good As…”)
  13. The Johnny Otis Show – Live At Monterey! – JOHNNY OTIS (USA 1971 2LP set on Epic Records EG 300473 – Fold-out Poster)
  14. 200 Motels – FRANK ZAPPA/MOTHERS OF INVENTION ((UK 1971 2LP set on United Artists, Poster & Booklet)
  15. Electric Warrior - T.REX (September 1971 UK LP on Fly Records HIFLY 6 with A Stickered Slv, Inner Bag & Large Fold-Out Poster)
  16. The Man Who Sold The World - DAVID BOWIE (1972 reissue on RCA with Poster & Inner Sleeve)
  17. Who Came First – PETE TOWNSHEND [of THE WHO] (1972 on Track, Gatefold Sleeve & Poster)
  18. Back To Front – GILBERT O’SULLIVAN (1972 on Mam, Lyric Insert + Black & White Poster)
  19. Big Gun – LUCIFER (1972 on Lucifer, Private Press Sold Via Oz Magazine)
  20. Exit – LUCIFER (1972 on Lucifer, Private Press Sold via Oz Magazine)
  21. Two Quid Deal - SKIN ALLEY (1972 on Transatlantic + Large Poster)
  22. Son Of Schmilsson - NILSSON (1972 on RCA, Lyric Poster & Inner Slv)
  23. Chicago IV – At Carnegie Hall – CHICAGO (UK 1971 4LP Live Box Set, 2 Posters)
  24. Manassas - STEPHEN STILLS & MANASSAS (UK 1972 2LP set on Atlantic, Inner Bags & Fold-Out Lyric Poster)
  25. Epic Forest – RARE BIRD (1972 on Polydor, EP + Rare Poster)
  26. Master Of Reality - BLACK SABBATH (1972 on Vertigo + Poster)
  27. Stoneground Words – MELANIE (1972 on Buddah + Rare Poster)
  28. Reflections In A Mud Puddle – DORY PREVIN (June 1972 UK LP on United Artists UAG 29346 – Gatefold Sleeve with Foldout Poster)
  29. Paul Brett – PAUL BRETT (UK 1972 Bradleys BRADL 1001, Envelope Sleeve, Inner & Poster)
  30. Dingly Dell - LINDISFARNE (1973 on Charisma, Inner Sleeve & Poster)
  31. Dark Side Of The Moon - PINK FLOYD (1973 on Harvest, Two Posters, Two Stickers)
  32. Ancient Maps - BOB PEGG (1973 on Transatlantic TRA 299, Huge Poster)
  33. Kings Of Oblivion – PINK FAIRIES (1973 on Polydor)
  34. Hat Trick – AMERICA (UK 1973 LP on Warner Brothers K 56016 + Rare Fold-Out Poster Insert)
  35. Save The Children – VARIOUS ARTISTS (1973 on Tamla M800-R2, USA 2LP Set with a “Save The Children” Poster)
  36. Back To The Garden – DAVE CARTWRIGHT (UK 1973 Transatlantic TRA 267, Inner Sleeve & A Foldout Poster)
  37. Tanx - T.REX (1973 on EMI)
  38. The Facts Of Life – BOBBY WOMACK (USA 1973 United Artists UA-LP043-F (Includes Poster of Himself Attached To Original Sleeve)
  39. Great Hits – T.REX (October 1973 UK LP on EMI/Bolan BLN 5003, Stickered Front Sleeve & Poster)
  40. Band On The Run – PAUL McCARTNEY and WINGS (1973 on Apple, Inner Sleeve + Poster)
  41. Hello! - STATUS QUO (1973 on Vertigo, Inr Slv & Poster)
  42. What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits - THE DOOBIE BROTHERS (UK 1974 on Warner Brothers, Fold-Out Band Poster)
  43. The Tain - HORSLIPS (1974 on Oats, Inner Sleeve & Rare Poster)
  44. Wishbone Four - WISHBONE ASH (1974 on MCA + Poster)
  45. Phil Spector’s Christmas Album – VARIOUS ARTISTS (1974 Re-issue on Warner Brothers + Poster [Note: Original Didn’t Have A Poster])
  46. David Cassidy Live - DAVID CASSIDY (1974 on Bell + Huge Poster)
  47. Todd - TODD RUNDGREN (1974 2LP on Bearsville)
  48. Chicago V – CHICAGO (UK 1974 CBS, Gatefold Sleeve + Poster + Fold-out Insert)
  49. Eddy And The Falcon – WIZZARD (UK 1974 Warner Brothers K 56029, Gatefold Sleeve, Poster)
  50. Maximum Darkness – MAN (1975 on United Artists, A Live Set with Poster)
  51. Hotel California - EAGLES (1975 on Asylum, Fold-Out Band Poster)
  52. Captain Fantastic & The Brown Dirt Cowboy - ELTON JOHN (1975 on DJM, 2 Booklets & Poster of the Gatefold Sleeve)
  53. Fish Out Of Water - CHRIS SQUIRE [of YES] (1975 on Atlantic)
  54. Chicago VII – CHICAGO (1975 on CBS, 2LP Set, Street Life Poster)
  55. Live! At The Lyceum - BOB MARLEY and THE WAILERS (Dec 1975 on Island + Poster)
  56. Loving Awareness – LOVING AWARENESS (1976 on More Love, 2 Posters)
  57. Four Seasons Of Love – DONNA SUMMER (UK 1976 GTO Records GTLP 018 + Calendar Foldout Poster)
  58. All Of This & World War II – VARIOUS ARTISTS (1976, 2LPs on Riva Records, All Beatles covers + Poster)
  59. P.Funk Endless Tour – PARLIAMENT (UK 1977 2LP set on Casablanca CALD 5002, Gatefold Sleeve with a Large Foldout Poster)
  60. Wings Over America - WINGS (3LP Live Set, Jan 1977 on Parlophone, 3 Inners & Poster)
  61. Never Mind The Bollocks… SEX PISTOLS (UK 1977 on Virgin, Original Copies, Sticker Slv, Poster & 7” single – THE POSTER IS VERY RARE!)
  62. Right on Time – THE BROTHERS JOHNSON (UK 1978 LP on A&M AMLH 64644 + Fold-Out Poster of The Brothers)
  63. Obsession – UFO (1978 LP on Chrysalis CDL 1182 (+Poster)
  64. London Town - WINGS (April 1978 on Parlophone)
  65. At Budokan – BOB DYLAN (1978 on CBS, 2 Booklets & Poster)
  66. Hi-Tension – HI-TENSION (UK 1978 on Island ILPS 9564 + Poster)
  67. That’s Life - SHAM 69 (November 1978 on Polydor)
  68. Jazz – QUEEN (November 1978 on EMI, 'Attached' Nude Girls on Bikes Poster)
  69. Babylon By Bus - BOB MARLEY and THE WAILERS (UK Dec 1978 2LP Live Set, Die-Cut Slv, Inners, Poster)
  70. Thriller – EDDIE + THE HOT RODS (UK 1979 Island ILPS 9563 (Inner Sleeve & Fold-Out Poster)
  71. Teenage Depression- EDDIE & THE HOTRODS (UK + Poster)
  72. Dynasty – KISS (1979 on Casablanca)
  73. Iron Maiden – IRON MAIDEN (1979 on EMI)
  74. 20 Jazz Funk Greats – THROBBING GRISTLE (1979 on Industrial)
  75. The Eddie Cochran Singles Album – EDDIE COCHRAN (UK 1979 United Artists UAK 30244, +7” single “Think Of Me” and “Pretty Girl” [United Artists FREE 12] + Foldout Poster of the cover Advertising other Artists in the series)
  76. “Y” – THE POP GROUP (1979 on Radar, Foldout Colour Poster)
  77. Emotional Rescue - THE ROLLING STONES (1980 on Rolling Stones)
  78. Foolish Behaviour - ROD STEWART (1980 on Riva + Poster)
  79. Get Happy! - ELVIS COSTELLO & THE ATTRACTIONS (1980 on F-Beat, Inner Sleeve & Poster)
  80. Women & Children First – VAN HALEN (1980 on Warner Brothers, Dave Lee Roth Poster)
  81. More Specials – THE SPECIALS (September 1980 on Two Tone & Bonus 7”)
  82. Greatest Hits Volume 2 - COCKNEY REJECTS (October 1980 on Zonophone)
  83. Eagles Live – EAGLES (UK 1980 2LP Set on Asylum K 62032, Inr Sleeves + Poster)
  84. Cultosaurus Erectos – BLU OYSTER CULT (UK 1980 LP on CBS Records 86120 with Insert and Poster)
  85. Face Dances - THE WHO (1981 on Polydor)
  86. Talk Talk – THE PSYCHEDELIC FURS (1981 on CBS 84892)
  87. Tin Drum – JAPAN (1981 on Virgin)
  88. Rage In Eden – ULTRAVOX (1981 on Chrysalis)
  89. Dance – GARY NUMAN (1981 on Beggars Banquet)
  90. Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables - DEAD KENNEDYS (1981 on Cherry Red)
  91. Living My Life - GRACE JONES (1982 on Island, Fold Out Poster)
  92. Combat Rock - THE CLASH (1982 on CBS)
  93. This Are Two Tone - VARIOUS ARTISTS (1983 on 2-Tone)
  94. Let The Tribe Increase - THE MOB (1983 on All The Madmen)
  95. T.Rextasy – MARC BOLAN and T.REX (UK 1983 Marc On Wax ABOLAN 5)
  96. Frontiers – JOURNEY (UK 1983 LP on CBS Records 25261 + Poster)
  97. Purple Rain by PRINCE (1984 on Warner Brothers, Inr Slv + Poster))
  98. Mirror Moves – PSYCHEDELIC FURS (1984 on CBS)
  99. Victims Of The Future – GARY MOORE (1984 on EMI)
  100. On A Storyteller’s Night – MAGNUM (1985 on FM, Picture Disc & Poster)
  101. Arena [Live] – DURAN DURAN (1985 on EMI, Gatefold + Poster)
  102. Drive – TOMMY CHASE QUARTET (UK 1985 Virgin PAL 5)
  103. Frankenchrist – DEAD KENNEDYS (1985 on Alternative Tentacles with H.R. Giger Poster)
  104. True Blue – MADONNA (1986 on Sire, with Tour Poster)
  105. The Politics Of Ecstasy – MAGIC MUSHROOM BAND (1986 on Pagan)
  106. Animal Liberation – VARIOUS ARTISTS (UK 1987 on Wax Trax! WAX UK 25)
  107. Licence To Ill – THE BEASTIE BOYS (1987 on Def Jam)
  108. Randy Rhodes Tribute – OZZY OSBOURNE (1987 2LP set on Epic + Poster)
  109. Savage - EURYTHMICS (November 1987 on RCA)
  110. Radio Kaos - ROGER WATERS [of Pink Floyd] (June 1987 on EMI)
  111. You Can Dance – MADONNA (1987 on Sire, with Gold Obi & Poster)
  112. All Right Now – PEPSI & SHIRLIE (1987 on Polydor POLH 38 + Poster)]
  113. Master Of Puppets – METALLICA (1987 reissue, Music For Nations, Direct Metal Mastered + Poster)
  114. The Complete Sun Sessions - ELVIS PRESLEY (1987 2LP Set on RCA with “All-Time Greatest Hits” Sleeve Poster)
  115. Mind Bomb – THE THE (1989 LP on Epic with Inner Sleeve & Poster)
  116. The Cream Of Supreme – VARIOUS ARTISTS (UK 1987 on Supreme SU 3)
  117. Billy & Albert – At The Royal Albert Hall [Live Comedy] – BILLY CONNELLY (1987 on 10 Records DIX 65 + Poster)
  118. Flowers In The Rain – PAUL McCARTNEY (1989 on Parlophone, Special Edition with Prints & Poster)
  119. The Royal Box – MADONNA (1990 on Sire) (contains “Immaculate Collection” with Video, Cards & Poster)
  120. Asquarius – CUD (1992 LP on A&M, 1st 5000 Had Poster)
  121. Wild Wood – PAUL WELLER (UK 1994 Go Discs! 828 438-1, Gatefold Sleeve + Poster)
  122. The X Factor – IRON MAIDEN (1995 on EMI)
  123. Ziggy Stardust – Motion Picture Soundtrack (UK 2003 2LP set on EMI ZIPPYRIP 3773 with Inners & Poster)
  124. Steady Diet Of Nothing – FUGAZI
  125. Made Of Bricks – KATE NASH (2008 on Pink Vinyl + Poster)
  126. Day & Age – THE KILLERS (2008)
  127. Glasvegas – GLASVEGAS (2008)

LIST FORMED July 2008 – August 2012

This list will be updated when new info comes to light - so please e-mail suggestions and additions - thanks...

The "POP HISTORY" Series of Vinyl Double Albums Out Of GERMANY On Polydor Records from the early 1970's - A Discography by Mark Barry...

The following "POP HISTORY" Discography is for the GERMAN RELEASES only. Release Dates range from 1972 to 1974 (the dates on the record labels tend to refer to the copyright dates of the material rather than the release date).

They were also issued in other countries in Europe and even in South America [none were issued in the UK or the USA – some of the earlier titles were imported into each]. Each set was a double album and had distinctive generic colour artwork, laminated gatefold sleeves, polylined inner bags and quality pressed European vinyl (Polydor/Cube labels). Collectors have long enjoyed them for their rare early material track lists and top quality mastering.

It isn't all straightforward however when you stray away from the German issues - artists featured in the series differed from country to country - as did the Volume Number they were allocated. For instance the French version of Booker T & The M.G.s turns up as Vol.5 instead of 8, while Richie Havens is Vol.11 instead of 13. Uruguay had THE BEE GEES as Volume 5, while there was none in the German issues. THE WHO set in Argentina is a double, while the Brazilian issue appears to be a single – it isn't. 

The "Pop History" name and same artwork was used in a 10LP German Box Set where the artists are doubled-up on some records or receive a single album on others – many people broke out these single albums and sold them separately – as "Pop History" titles for say Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention. James Brown is Volume 3 in many countries, but the track-list on the Spanish issue is different to the German issue (different hits in different countries). With this cross-country tailoring to their particular marketplace, but often using the same German artwork and even the same overall catalogue number, it's easy to see why some confusion can creep in...

Also - for British and Irish fans alike - the series throws up some quirky anomalies – huge and popular Rock acts like SLADE, guitarist ROY BUCHANAN and the fabulous Maggie Bell who fronted STONE THE CROWS (all on Polydor Records) are NOT represented here - but HARDIN & YORK are? Eddie Hardin and Peter York made 3 albums in the UK on Bell Records - none of which did any business in Britain. Musically they may have been excellent, but fame-wise, they were and still are absolute obscurities in their own country and their albums are now hard-to-find vinyl rarities clocking in at £25 + (if you can locate them). They were, however, HUGE in Germany, capable of filling large venues and hence the reason why they were afforded the luxury of a "Pop History" double in that country. The same applies to SAVAGE ROSE - big European act - but virtual unknowns in the UK - Kraut Rock band INHE KINDER the same. 

Also - FOUR of the doubles are not compilations - but 2 whole albums under another name – see notes on Hardin & York, Mountain, The Grateful Dead and Medicine Head.

I was finally able to locate Volume 17 (Jack Bruce) and Vol. 24 (Inhe Kinder) through correspondence with fans. The series appears to have ended with Rory Gallagher on Vol. 30. The release info and track lists come from a European Polydor catalogue of 1974 I've acquired and also from the albums I own. I've double-checked the details for accuracy and to my knowledge, this is the first time that all of this info on the series has been put together in the one place.

1. Pop History Vol.1 – CREAM (Polydor 2675 014)
[Featuring Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker]
14 Tracks: N.S.U./White Room/Sitting On Top Of The World/Sunshine Of Your Love/Passing The Time/Lawdy Mama/Deserted Cities Of The Heart/As You Said/I Feel Free/Sweet Wine/Doing That Scrapyard Thing/I'm So Glad/Traintime/Toad

2. Pop History Vol.2 – JIMI HENDRIX (Polydor 2675 013)
16 Tracks: Who Knows/Voodoo Chile/Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)/Rainy Day Dream Away/We Gotta Live Together/All Along The Watchtower/Power Of Soul/And The Gods Made Love/Moon Turn The Tides.../Changes/Foxy Lady/Long Hot Summer Night/Message To Love/House Burning Down/Still Raining Still Dreaming/Come On - Part 1

3. Pop History Vol.3 – JAMES BROWN (Polydor 2625 009)
24 Tracks: Maybe Good-Maybe Bad (Part 1 & 2)/Choo Choo/Stagger Lee/Use For Mother/After You Done It/You've Got To Change Your Mind/Soul Pride (Part 1)/Soul Pride (Part 2)/Fever/Is It Yes Or Is It No/World (Part 1 & 2)/Georgia On My Mind/The Chicken/Time After Time/If I Ruled The World/I'm Shock/Prisoner Of Love/Kansas City/Brother Rapp (Part 1 & 2)/Just Plain Funk/I'll Lose My Mind/Gittin' A Little Hipper/The Scratch/Here I Go

4. Pop History Vol.4 – THE WHO (Polydor 2675 012)
20 Tracks: My Generation/Heatwave/Smash The Mirror/Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde/Overture From Tommy/Doctor! Doctor!/In The City/Mary Anne With The Shakey Hand/I Can See For Miles/Sally Simpson/Magic Bus/You See My Way/The Acid Queen/We're Not Gonna Take It/Summertime Blues/Bucket "T"/Our Love Was/Christmas/Don't Look Away/Call Me Lightning

5. Pop History Vol.5 – THE LOVIN' SPOONFUL featuring JOHN SEBASTIAN (Polydor 2625 010)
24 Tracks: Daydream/Jug Of Wine/Try A Little Bit/(Till I) Run With You/Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind/Six O' Clock/Didn't Want To Have To Do It/Henry Thomas/Younger Girl/Nashville Cats/Only Yesterday/You Didn't Have To Be So Nice/Revolution/Forever/Rain On The Roof/Voodoo In My Basement/Money/Summer In The City/Do You Believe In Magic/Only Pretty What A Pity/Never Goin' Back/Blues In The Bottle/Night Owl Blues/She Is Still A Mystery

6. Pop History Vol.6 – ERIC BURDON and THE ANIMALS (Polydor 2625 011)
18 Tracks: St. James Infirmary/A Girl Named Sandoz/The Black Plague/Uppers And Downers/No Self Pity/Cheating/When I Was Young/It's All Meat/Serenade To A Sweat Lady/Orange And Red Beams/Winds Of Change/Help Me Girl/New York 1963 - America 1968 (Full 19:00 Minute Version)/Year Of The Guru/You're On My Mind/She'll Return It/Just The Thought/The Immigrant Land

7. Pop History Vol.7 – FRANK ZAPPA and THE MOTHERS of INVENTION (Polydor 2625 012)
20 Tracks: Help I'm A Rock/I’m Not Satisfied/Motherly Love/Plastic People/The Idiot Bast@#! Son/Brown Shoes Don't Make It/The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny/Anything/You Didn't Try To Call Me/Duke Of Prunes/Hungry Freaks Daddy/Uncle Bernie's Farm/Who Are The Brain Police/Who Needs The Peace Corps/Absolutely Free/Status Back Baby/Invocation & Ritual Dance Of The Young Pumpkin/Go Cry On Somebody Else's Shoulder/Flower Punk/America Drinks & Goes Home

8. Pop History Vol.8 – BOOKER T. & THE M.G.'s (Polydor 2625 013)
23 Tracks: Mrs. Robinson/This Guy's In Love With You/Because/Foxy Lady/Hi Ride/Time Is Tight/Heads Or Tails/Michelle/Lady Madonna/Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy/Light My Fire/Eleanor Rigby/Soul Limbo/The Horse/I Want You/Something/Melting Pot/Hang 'Em High/Johnny, I Love You/Sunny Monday/La La Means I Love You/The End/Over Easy

9. Pop History Vol.9 – ERIC CLAPTON (Polydor 2668 001)
[Features Cream, Derek & The Dominoes and Eric Clapton Solo]
15 Tracks: Bottle Of Red Wine/Bell Bottom Blues/Rollin' And Tumblin'/Badge/Lawdy Mama/Strange Brew/Let It Rain/Spoonful/Anyday/Wrapping Paper/Little Wing/Sweet Wine/After Midnight/Key To The Highway/Layla (Full Album Version)

10. Pop History Vol.10 – GINGER BAKER (Polydor 2668 002)
[Features Cream and Ginger Baker's Air Force]
14 Tracks: Sweet Wine/Passing The Time/Sunshine Of Your Love/Twelve Gates Of The City/Doin' It/Man Of Constant Sorrow/Blue Condition/We Free Kings/Today/Toad (Full 13 Minute Version)/What A Bringdown/Let Me Ride/Do What You Like (Full Near 12 Minute Version)/I'm So Glad

11. Pop History Vol.11 – TASTE (Polydor 2668 003) [featuring Rory Gallagher]
[Features Studio and Live Material]
19 Tracks: Sugar Mama/I'm Movin' On/What's Going On/Born On The Wrong Side Of Time/ Same Old Story/Eat My Words/Gamblin' Blues/Railway And Gun/If I Don't Sing, I'll Cry/Feel So Good – Part 2/On The Boards/Hail/See Here/Dual Carriageway Pain/I'll Remember/Blister On The Moon/It's Happened Before, It'll Happen Again/Leaving Blues/Catfish (Full 10 Minute Live Version)

12. Pop History Vol.12 – THE SPOTNICKS (Polydor 2676 016)
23 Tracks: Amapola/One Has My Name/Green Eyes/Ku'damm Promenade/Muddy Mississippi Line/Walk Right In/Last Date/Diamonds/I'm Coming Home/Steel Guitar Rag/Bye Bye Birdie/Habanera/Everybody's Talkin'/In The Mood/Busted/Say Mama/Walking Back To Happiness/Havah Nagila/Wildwood Flower/Recado/I'll Remember You/Hot Toddy/Space Walk

13. Pop History Vol.13 – RICHIE HAVENS (Polydor 2625 015)
18 Tracks: Indian Rope Man/Baby Blue/Wear Your Love Like Heaven/Run Shaker Life – Do You Feel Good/I Started A Joke/Shouldn't All The World Be Dancing/From The Prison/Open Your Eyes/Strawberry Fields Forever/A Little Help From My Friends/Priests/I Pity The Poor Immigrant/Prayer/She's Leaving Home/Lady Madonna/For Haven's Sake/Don't Listen To Me/The Parable Of Roman

14. Pop History Vol.14 – JOHN MAYALL (Polydor 2675 017)
13 Tracks: The Laws Must Change/Nature's Disappearing/Waiting For The Right Time/To A Princess/I'm Gonna Fight For J.B./Lying By My Bed/Night Flyer/Counting The Days/Took The Cat/Saw Mill Gulch Road/California/Many Miles Apart/People Cling Together/You Must Be Crazy/Thoughts About Roxanne/Thinking Of My Woman

15. Pop History Vol.15 – SAVAGE ROSE (Polydor 2675 018)
21 Tracks: Savage Rose/Look Out/You'll Be Alright/I'm Walking Through The Door/White Swans' Marriage Clothes/Everybody Must Know/Her Story/Sailing Away/Your Sign – My Sign/His Own Happiness – God's Little Hand/Oh Baby Where Have You Gone?/Open Air Shop/You Be Free/A Trial In Our Native Town/Sleep/The Shepherd And Sally/The Castle/Ride My Mountain/A Girl I Know/Life's Other Side/I'm Satisfied Mr. Captain

16. Pop History Vol.16 – GOLDEN EARRING (Polydor 2625 018)
21 Tracks: Back Home/Everyday's Torture/Gipsy Rhapsody/Born A Second Time/Song Of A Devil's Servant/Big Tree Blue Sea/One Huge Road/The Truth About Arthur/Magnificent Magistral/I'm Going To Send My Pigeons To The Sky/Yellow & Blue/Landing/Crystal Heaven/Must I Cry?/God Bless The Day/See See/The Wall Of Dolls/Who Cares?/Nothing Can Change This World Of Mine/The Loner/The Sad Story Of Sam Stone/This Is The Time Of the Year

17. Pop History Vol.17 – JACK BRUCE (Polydor 2668 004 - featuring Cream) - 17 Tracks:
Side 1 - Never Tell Your Mother She's Out Of Tune/As You Said/Doin' That Scrapyard Thing/We're Going Wrong/White Room/Theme From An Imaginary Western
Side 2 - Over The Cliff/This Night, This Song/Once I Loved/Hckhh Blues
Side 3 - To Whom It May Concern - Them/Statues/Things We Like/Allah Be Praised
Side 4 - N.S.U./Dance The Night Away/Traintime
Note: "White Room", "N.S.U." and "Traintime" by Cream featuring Jack Bruce

18. Pop History Vol.18 – AIR FORCE [Ginger Baker's Air Force] (Polydor 2668 005)
Side 1 - I Don't Care/You Look LIke You Could Use A Rest/I Don't Want To Go Without You
Side 2 - Early In The Morning/Do U No Hu Yor Phrenz R?/You Wouldn't Believe It
Side 3 - Caribbean Soup/Today/12 Gates Of The City/Sweet Wine
Side 4 - Da Da Man/Aiko Biaye

19. Pop History Vol.19 – THE VELVET UNDERGROUND and NICO (Polydor 2625 019)
17 Tracks: Lady Godiva's Operation/Eulogy To Lenny Bruce/What Goes On/Winter Song/Some Kind Of Love/The Gift/Chelsea Girl/I'm Set Free/The Murder Mystery/Little Sister/I'll Be Your Mirror/Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams/Jesus/The Fairest Of The Seasons/After Hours/It Was A Pleasure Then/ That's The Story Of My Life

20. Pop History Vol.20 – THE BLUES PROJECT featuring AL KOOPER and STEVE KATZ (Polydor 2625 020)
18 Tracks: Fly Away/Steve's Song/Dakota Recollection/Two Trains Running/When There's Smoke, There's…/I Want To Be Your Driver/If You Got To Make A Fool Of/No Time Like The Right Time/Endless Sleep/Wake Me-Shake Me/Niartae’s Hornpipe/Cheryl's Going Home/Calypso/I Can't Keep From Crying Some/Violets Of Dawn/Mojo Hannah/The Flute Thing/Catch The Wind

21. Pop History Vol.21 – HARDIN & YORK (Polydor 2625 021)
[2 whole albums; their debut LP from 1969 on Bell Records called "Tomorrow Today" (Tracks 1 to 9) and their 2nd LP also on Bell Records from 1970 called "The World's Smallest Big Band" (aka "Hardin & York") (Tracks 10 to 15)]
15 Tracks: Tomorrow Today/100 Years From Now/I'm Lost/Drinking My Wine/Candlelight/Beautiful Day/Mountains Of Sand/Can't Keep A Good Man Down/Listen Everyone/Just A Case Of Time/I Can't Find My Way Home/Love, A Song For You/Rock & Roll Medley (a) Jailhouse Rock (b) Mean Woman Blues (c) Rip It Up!/The Pike/"Northern Medley" (a) Lady Madonna (b) Norwegian Wood

22. Pop History Vol.22 – MOUNTAIN (Polydor 2625 022)
[2 whole albums, their 1969 US-Only debut LP on Bell Records by Leslie West called "Mountain" (Tracks 1 to 11) with their 2nd LP from 1970 [1st in the UK] also on Bell Records called "Mountain Climbing" (Tracks 12 to 20)]
20 Tracks: Blood Of The Sun/Long Red/Better Watch Out/Blind Man, Baby, I'm Down/Dreams Of Milk & Honey/Storyteller Man/This Wheel's On Fire/Look To The Wind/Southbound Train/Because You Are My Friend/Mississippi Queen/Theme For Imaginary Western/Never In My Life/Silver Paper/Yasgur's Farm/To My Friend/The Laird/Sittin' On A Rainbow/Boys In The Band

23. Pop History Vol.23 – THE GRATEFUL DEAD (Polydor 2679 003)
[2 whole albums - "Vintage Dead" (Tracks 1 to 4) and "Historic Dead" (Tracks 5 to 9). Although the material was recorded in the mid Sixties, both albums only received official release in the UK on Polydor in 1972]
Tracks: Good Morning Little Schoolgirl/Lindy/Stealin'/The Same Thing /I Know You Rider/It Hurts Me Too/It's All Over Now, Baby Blue/Dancin' In The Streets/In The Midnight Hour

24. Pop History Vol.24 – IHRE KINDER (German KrautRock Band featuring Ernst Schultz and Sonny Hennig) (Polydor 2634 018, 2LP set)
Tracks: Side 1 - Leere Hände/Schwarzer Peter/Wermuthliebe (by Sonny Hennig)/Ich Kann Dir Nichts Geben/Würfelspiel
Side 2 - Südafrika Apartheid Express/Hilf Mir/Graue Stadt/Weißer Schnee, Schwarze Nacht/Toter Soldat
Side 3 - Babylon/Synthetischer Orient Nr.1 (by Ernst Schultz)/Töten Um Gottes Willen (by Sonny Hennig)/Nur Ein Spanier (by Ernst Schultz)/Mutter Bekommt Ein Kind/Nie Vergess Ich Wie Es War
Side 4 - Werdahl/Rosa Rot/Komm Zu Dir/Kurt Mittag, 55, Staatenlos (by Ernst Schultz)/Spinne Im Netz

24. Pop History Vol.25 – MEDICINE HEAD (Polydor 2625 026)
[2 whole albums; their 1971 2nd LP on Dandelion Records called "Heavy On The Drum" (Tracks 1 to 11) and their 1969 debut LP also on Dandelion Records called "New Bottles And Old Medicine" (Tracks 12 to 25)]
25 Tracks: There's Always A Light /Any Day Now/Medicine Pony/Thou Shalt Not Pass/Expectation Blues/To Train Time/Call On Your Saviour/Have No Fear/You Got Me Rockin' And Rollin'/Once There Was A Day/(Sometimes) Even The Moon Has No Face/When Night Falls/Ooee Baby/Next Time The Sun Comes Round/This Love Of Old/Home's Odyssey/Oh My Heart To Peace/Do It Now/Be It As We Are/Fire Under Mountain/Two Men Now/Crazy 'Bout You Baby/Goin' Home/His Guiding Hand/Walkin' Blues

26. Pop History Vol.26 – JULIE DRISCOLL and BRIAN AUGER (Polydor 2668 007)
18 Tracks: This Wheel's On Fire/Tramp/Day In The Life/Save The Country/Save Me (Part 1)/Indian Rope Man/Black Cat/Take Me To The Water/A Kind Of Love In/Goodbye Jungle Telegraph/Season Of The Witch/I've Got Life/Light My Fire/Maria's Wedding/Let The Sunshine In/Red Beans And Rice/Truth/Road To Cairo

27. Pop History Vol.27 – T. REX (Cube 2635 005)
24 Tracks: Hot Love/Jewel/The Visit/Childe/Ride A White Swan/Summertime Blues/Get It On/Is It Love?/One Inch Rock/Summer Deep/Warlord Of The Royal Crocodilee/Seagull Woman/Jeepster/Hot Rod Mama/Mustang Ford/Chariots Of Silk/Cat Black/She Was Born To Be My Unicorn/Debora/Iscariot/Nijinsky Aind/Organ Blues/By The Light Of A Magical Moon/Dragon's Ear

28. Pop History Vol.28 – PROCOL HARUM (Cube 2635 006)
22 Tracks: A Whiter Shade Of Pale/She Wandered Through The Garden Fence/Something Following Me/A Christmas Camel/Homburg/Conquistador/Quite Rightly So/Skip Softly (My Moonbeams)/Magdalene (My Regal Zonophone)/Rambling On/Wish Me Well/Shine On Brightly/A Salty Dog/The Milk Of Human Kindness/Crucifiction Lane/The Devil Came From Kansas/Boredom/Whisky Train/Your Own Choice/Still There Be More/About To Die/The Dead Man's Dream

29. Pop History Vol.29 – THE MOVE (Cube 2635 007)
17 Tracks: I Can Hear The Grass Grow/Helloh Susie/(Here We Go Round) The Lemon Tree/Don't Make My Baby Blue/Flowers In The Rain/Fire Brigade/Cherry Blossom Clinic Revisited/Wild Tiger Woman/Night Of Fear/Blackberry Way/When Alice Comes Back To The Farm/The Last Thing On My Mind/Curly/Hey Grandma/Walk Upon The Water/Brontosaurus/Fields Of People/Omnibus

30. Pop History Vol.30 – RORY GALLAGHER (Polydor 2679 006) [see also Taste]
[Tracks 1 to 5 are by TASTE; 6 to 17 are RORY GALLAGHER solo]
17 Tracks: Blister On The Moon/Born On The Wrong Side Of Time/Leaving Blues/Railway & Gun/Eat My Words/Hands Up/Just A Smile/Wave Myself Goodbye/Can't Believe It's True/Used To Be/I'm Not Awake Yet/Don't Know Where I'm Going/Should've Learned My Lesson/Going To My Hometown (Live)/Messing With The Kid (Live)/In Your Town (Live)/Bullfrog Blues (Live)

INDEX - Entries and Artist Posts in Alphabetical Order